23-8. General Requirements.
Work Teams
- Rope access work teams must consist of at least two Rope Access Technicians.
- Appoint a Rope Access Supervisor/QP for Rope Access or Rope Access Lead Technician/CP for Rope Access in every team, ensuring one of them is always present to supervise.
- A Rope Access Supervisor/QP for Rope Access can oversee a maximum of six workers at any time.
Rope Access Equipment
- Rope Access Supervisors/QP for Rope Access or Rope Access Lead Technicians/CP for Rope Access must identify independent anchorage systems for main and backup systems with a minimum strength of 5,000 pounds or two times the maximum arrest force per system attached.
- Ropes must be synthetic, tested according to CI 1800/1801, have a nominal breaking strength of at least 5,000 pounds when new, and not exceed 10% elasticity under load.
- Carabiners and snaphooks used for climbing must require two actions to open, be self-closing, self-locking, meet the ANSI Z359 requirements, and gates must be rated at 3,600 pounds.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
23-6. New synthetic ropes must be tested and have a nominal breaking strength of _____.
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