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502 EM 385-1-1 Sections 14-19
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18.G.30 Floating Equipment.

All equipment placed or operating on barges, pontoons, vessels or other means of flotation must be evaluated by a Qualified Person (QP) for safe placement, transport and operating conditions.

Equipment on USACE barges must be evaluated by a Qualified Person (QP).

At a minimum, the evaluation must include: proper operating procedures per the manufacturer; stability and structural assessment of equipment and barge/pontoon; if required, where and how the equipment will be secured to address positively secured positioning of the equipment (no movement/tipping), and environmental restrictions.

  • (1) If the QP determines that the equipment can safely operate under the anticipated conditions, within the manufacturer's operating procedures, the evaluation must be documented in writing by the QP in the AHA and provided to GDA prior to work beginning.
  • (2) If the equipment cannot safely operate under the anticipated conditions, within the manufacturer's operating procedures, or the QP determines that it is not safe to do so, then the use of this equipment in this capacity is not allowed.
  • (3) If there are no manufacturer's operating procedures, an RPE with knowledge and experience with this type of equipment must develop the safe operating procedures. The QP can then perform the evaluation of the equipment and barge/pontoon. This evaluation must be documented in writing by the QP in the AHA and provided to GDA prior to work beginning.

Note: If this equipment is mechanized equipment used in conjunction with rigging to lift a load, it is considered Load Handling Equipment. > See Section 16.L.

18.H Drilling Equipment.

18.H.01 Applicability. The requirements of this Section are in addition to other requirements identified in Section 18 and are applicable to rock, soil, and concrete drilling operations.

Drilling equipment may be operated only by qualified personnel.

18.H.02 Drilling equipment must be operated only by qualified (training, evaluation and experience) personnel who are designated by their respective employer to operate subject equipment.

  1. The drilling equipment must be operated, inspected, and maintained as specified in the manufacturer's operating manual.
  2. A copy of the manual will be available at the job site.

18.H.03 AHA Development.

Prior to initiating rock, soil, and/or concrete drilling operations, the contractor must develop an AHA for the intended operations. AHA must include, as a minimum:

  1. Location of all overhead electrical lines/hazards;
  2. Location of any possible unexploded ordnance or hazardous agents in the soil;
  3. Location of utilities both above and below grade;
  4. Designated areas for equipment operations and material storage;
  5. Assembly and disassembly sequences for rock, soil, and concrete drilling equipment;
  6. Operation of rock, soil, and concrete drilling equipment and handling of associated materials;
  7. A geotechnical survey report identifying subsurface and surface ground conditions. The findings of this survey and the controls for all potential hazards must become a part of the AHA;
  8. A hard copy of the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for the drilling fluids, if required;
  9. The AHA meets the requirements of Section 01.A.14 or 01.A.15, and
  10. AHA must be reviewed at the preparatory meeting, when the plan has been completed.

Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.

18-11. All equipment placed or operating on barges, pontoons, vessels or other means of flotation must be evaluated by a Qualified Person (QP) for _____.