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502 EM 385-1-1 Sections 14-19
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18.G Machinery And Mechanized Equipment.

18.G.01 For the purposes of the Section, machinery and mechanized equipment is defined as mobile, stationary, self-propelled or towed equipment intended for use on construction sites or industrial sites.

Before any machinery or equipment is used, it must be inspected and tested.

This equipment is NOT intended for operation on public highways. Equipment such as dump trucks, cargo trucks, and other vehicles that may also travel on public roadways must also meet the requirements of Section 18.E.

18.G.02 Before any machinery or mechanized equipment is placed in use, it must be inspected and tested in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and requirements of this manual.

  1. Inspections will be documented on either a manufacturer-, government-supplied or contractor-generated checklist. The Competent Person (CP) is required to sign the checklist designating that it meets the manufacturer's recommendations and requirements of this manual.
  2. All checklists will be submitted to the GDA upon completion of the inspection and will become a part of the project file.
  3. All safety deficiencies noted during the inspection must be corrected prior to the equipment being placed in service at the project.
  4. Re-inspection. Subsequent re-inspections will be conducted at least annually thereafter. Any time the machinery or mechanized equipment is removed and subsequently returned to the project (other than equipment removed for routine off-site operations as part of the project), it must be re-inspected and recertified prior to use.
  5. The Contractor must provide the GDA ample notice in advance of any equipment entering the site so that the Contractor's inspection process may be observed and so that spot checks may be conducted.

18.G.03 No modifications or additions that affect the capacity or safe operation of machinery or equipment must be made without the manufacturer's written approval.

  1. If such modifications or changes are made, the capacity, operation, and maintenance instruction plates, tags, or decals must be changed accordingly.
  2. In no case must the original safety factor of the equipment be reduced. > See Section 18.G.30.

18.G.04 Daily/shift inspections and tests.

Regular equipment inspection is an important part of daily work on site.
  1. All machinery and equipment must be inspected daily (when in use) to ensure safe operating conditions. The employer must designate CPs to conduct daily inspections and tests. These inspections and tests must be documented by the CP to include as a minimum, the date, name of the inspector; specific items inspected, and "PASS/FAIL" indication. Copies of the inspections will be provided to the GDA upon request.
  2. Tests must be made at the beginning of each shift during which the equipment is to be used to determine that the brakes and operating systems are in proper working condition and that all required safety devices are in place and functional.

18.G.05 Whenever any machinery or equipment is found to be unsafe, or whenever a deficiency that affects the safe operation is observed, the equipment must be immediately taken out of service and its use prohibited until unsafe conditions have been corrected.

  1. A tag indicating that the equipment must not be operated, and that the tag must not be removed, must be placed in a conspicuous location on the equipment. Where required, lockout procedures must be used. > See Section 12.
  2. The tag must remain in its attached location until it is demonstrated to the individual dead-lining the equipment that it is safe to operate.
  3. When corrections are complete, the machinery or equipment must be retested and re-inspected before being returned to service.

18.G.06 Machinery and mechanized equipment must be operated only by designated, qualified personnel.

  1. Machinery or equipment must not be operated in a manner that will endanger persons or property nor must the safe operating speeds or loads be exceeded.
  2. Getting off or on any equipment while it is in motion is prohibited.
  3. Machinery and equipment must be operated in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and recommendations.
  4. The use of headphones for entertainment purposes (e.g., radio, CD, music, books, etc.,) while operating equipment is prohibited except for communication directly related to operating the machinery or equipment.
  5. The use of cell phones or any other electronic device that may cause distraction is prohibited while operating equipment.
  6. All operator training and evaluation must be conducted by persons who have the knowledge, training, and experience to train the equipment operators and evaluate their competence.
    • (1) These examiners may not license themselves, but instead, must be licensed by another qualified examiner.
    • (2) All qualification/licensing of equipment operators by examiners must include, at a minimum, requirements of this Section, the manufacturer's instructions and recommendations as well as observation of a practical operating examination on the equipment.

18.G.07 When the manufacturer's instructions or recommendations are more stringent than the requirements of this manual, the manufacturer's instructions or recommendations must apply.

18.G.08 Inspections or determinations of road and shoulder conditions and structures must be made in advance to assure that clearances and load capacities are safe for the passage or placing of any machinery or equipment.

Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.

18-7. When can operators use headphones while operating equipment?