18.C.02 Defensive Driving.
The principles of defensive driving must be practiced. Operators (government and contractor) of government-owned vehicles must complete Defensive Driver Training initially and every four years thereafter.
Contractor operators of government-owned vehicles must provide documentation of completion of a suitable Defensive Driving Course to the GDA initially and upon request.
18.C.03 Seat belts must be installed and worn per Section 18.B.09. Buses are exempt from this requirement.
18.C.04 At all times, the operator must have the vehicle under control and be able to bring it to a complete stop within a safe stopping distance.
18.C.05 Vehicles may not be driven at speeds greater than the posted speed limit, with due regard for weather, traffic, intersections, width and character of the roadway, type of motor vehicle, and any other existing condition.
18.C.06 Headlights must be on from sunset to sunrise, during fog, smoke, rain, or other unfavorable atmospheric conditions, and at any other time when there is not sufficient light for the vehicle to be seen or the operator to see on the highway at a distance of 500 ft (150.4 m), unless local regulations prohibit.
18.C.07 Vehicles must not be driven on a downgrade with gears in neutral or clutch disengaged.
18.C.08 Railroad crossings and drawbridges.
- Upon approaching a railroad crossing or drawbridge, vehicles must be driven at such a speed as to permit stopping before reaching the nearest track or the edge of the draw bridge and must proceed only if the course is clear.
- Vehicles transporting 15 or more persons, explosives, or flammable or toxic substances must stop at railroad crossings and drawbridges and must not proceed until the course is clear, except at a railroad crossing or drawbridge protected by a traffic officer or a traffic signal giving a positive indication for approaching vehicles to proceed.
18.C.09 Vehicles must not be stopped, parked, or left standing on any road, or adjacent thereto, or in any area in a manner as to endanger the vehicle, other vehicles, or personnel using or passing that road or area. Operator will ascertain safest exit path before exiting vehicle.
18.C.10 Vehicles must not be left unattended until the motor has been shut off, the key removed (unless local regulations prohibit), parking brake set, and gear engaged in low, reverse, or park.
18.C.11 Vehicles carrying loads that project beyond the sides or rear of the vehicle must carry a red flag, not less than 144 in2 (929 cm2), at or near the end of the projection. At night or when atmospheric conditions restrict visibility, a warning light must be used in lieu of the red flag. Drivers will assure the load does not obscure vehicle lights and/or reflectors.
18.C.12 Employees must not be permitted to get between a towed vehicle and towing vehicle except when hooking or unhooking.
18.C.13 No vehicle or combination of vehicles hauling unusually heavy loads or equipment must be moved until the driver has been provided with the required permits, the correct weights of the vehicles and load, and a designated route to be followed.
18.C.14 When maneuvering or performing back-up operations, operators will take the applicable precautions outlined in Section 08.B.04. If a signal person or spotter is not used, operators will walk behind their vehicle to view the area for possible hazards before performing back-up operations with their vehicle.
18.C.15 When a bus, truck, or truck-trailer combination is parked or disabled on a highway or the adjacent shoulder, yellow flashing lights and other traffic warning devices (e.g., cones, flags, signs, etc.) per 49 CFR 571.5 must be used during the daytime and reflectors, flares, electric lights or other effective means of identification must be displayed at night.
18.C.16 Loading vehicles.

- Drivers of trucks and similar vehicles must leave the cab while the vehicle is being loaded when they are exposed to danger from suspended loads or overhead loading equipment, unless the cab is adequately protected.
- Vehicles must not be loaded in a manner that obscures the driver's view ahead or to either side or which interferes with the safe operation of the vehicle.
- The load on every vehicle must be distributed, chocked, tied down, or secured.
- Loads must be covered when there is a hazard of flying/falling dirt, rock, debris, or material. Tail gates must not be removed without implementing a positive means to prevent material from falling out of the back of the vehicle and may be done only with the acceptance of the GDA.
18.C.17 Maintenance Vehicles. All maintenance vehicles that are used at USACE recreational areas (or projects) must be provided with two 28 in (0.7 m) day glow/high- visibility orange traffic cones. Vehicle operators that operate maintenance vehicles in USACE recreational areas must place a cone in front and behind the vehicle when parked, remove and place in vehicle prior to departure.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
18-5. What is required for vehicles carrying loads that project beyond the sides or rear of the vehicle?
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