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502 EM 385-1-1 Sections 14-19
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18.D Transportation of Personnel.

18.D.01 The number of passengers in passenger-type vehicles must not exceed the number that can be seated.

Safe driving on the road is the mark of a professional.

18.D.02 Trucks used to transport personnel must be equipped with a securely anchored seating arrangement, a rear end gate, and guardrail. Steps or ladders, for mounting and dismounting, must be provided.

18.D.03 All tools and equipment must be guarded, stowed, and secured when transported with personnel.

18.D.04 No person will be permitted to ride with arms or legs outside of a vehicle body, in a standing position on the body, on running boards, seated on side fenders, cabs, cab shields, bed of the truck, or on the load.

18.D.05 All vehicles transporting personnel during cold or inclement weather must be enclosed. Passengers must be protected from inclement weather elements.

18.D.06 Explosives, flammable materials (excepting normal fuel supply), or toxic substances may not be transported in vehicles carrying personnel.

18.D.07 Vehicles transporting personnel must not be moved until the driver has ascertained that all persons are seated and the guardrails and rear end gates are in place or doors closed.

18.D.08 Getting on or off any vehicle while it is in motion is prohibited.

18.D.09 All motor vehicles must be shut down prior to and during fueling operations. > See Section 18.G.10.

18.E Motor Vehicles (for Public Roadway Use).

Stay focused and drive defensively on busy roadways.

18.E.01 For the purposes of the Section, a motor vehicle is defined as a sedan, van, SUV, truck, motorcycle, or other mode of conveyance intended for use on public roadways. This includes construction equipment that is driven on public highways. Other types of equipment such as machinery and mechanized equipment, ATVs, UVs and other specialty vehicles are addressed later in this Section.

18.E.02 Every motor vehicle must have:

  1. An operable speedometer;
  2. An operable fuel gage;
  3. An operable audible warning device (horn);
  4. An adequate rearview mirror or mirrors;
  5. A power-operated starting device;
  6. A windshield equipped with an adequate windshield wiper;
  7. An operable defrosting and defogging device;
  8. Non-slip surfaces on steps; and
  9. Cabs, cab shields, and other protection to protect the driver from the elements and falling or shifting materials;

Note: Items f through i do not apply to motorcycles. Gloves, a DOT-approved motorcycle helmet with full faceshield or goggles, sturdy footwear, long sleeved shirt or jacket, long trousers, full fingered gloves, and high-visibility garments (bright color for day and retroreflective for night), must be worn at all times while operating or riding as a passenger on motorcycles.

18.E.03 Glass in windshields, windows, and doors must be safety glass. Any cracked or broken glass must be replaced.

18.E.04 All buses, trucks, and combinations of vehicles with a carrying capacity of 1.5 tons (1,360.8 kg) or over, when operated on public highways, must be equipped with emergency equipment required by State laws but not less than:

  1. One red flag not less than 12 in2 (77.4 cm2) with standard and three reflective markers that must be available for immediate use in case of emergency stops;
  2. Two wheel chocks for each vehicle or each unit of a combination of vehicles;
  3. At least one 2A:10B:C fire extinguisher (at least two properly rated fire extinguishers are required for flammable cargo).

18.E.05 All rubber-tired motor vehicles must be equipped with fenders, and tires must not extend beyond fenders. Mud flaps may be used in lieu of fenders whenever motor vehicle equipment is not designed for fenders.

18.F Trailers.

18.F.01 All towing devices used on any combinations of vehicles must be structurally adequate for the weight drawn and must be properly mounted.

18.F.02 A locking device or double safety system must be provided on every fifth-wheel mechanism and tow bar arrangement to prevent the accidental separation of towed and towing vehicles.

18.F.03 Every trailer must be coupled with safety chains or cables to the towing vehicle. Such chain or cable must prevent the separation of the vehicles in case of tow bar failure.

18.F.04 Trailers equipped with power brakes must be equipped with a breakaway device that effectively locks the brakes in the event the trailer separates from the towing vehicle.

18.F.05 All vehicle/equipment operators required to pull a trailer must be properly trained, evaluated, qualified and designated to perform this operation.

Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.

18-6. What is prohibited when a vehicle is in motion?