Take Action
Put everybody in the company to work to accomplish CSMS improvement.

The improvement process is everybody's job. What a great concept! Put everybody to work to improve the safety culture and CSMS.
Here's the hard part. Someone must have the vision: If not top management, who? How do you shift responsibility for safety from the safety director and/or safety committee to line management? If the effort does not have the approval of the CEO (with action); real improvement may never be successful. The safety committee may serve as the catalyst to initially begin the planning for CSMS improvement. If top management balks at the need for an improvement process, focus on "educating up" by emphasizing the benefits. The safety committee must provide the education to influence the perceptions that ultimately shape the transformation.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
10-11. What can we do if top management just doesn't seem to "get" the importance continually improving the CSMS?
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