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833 Developing a Construction Safety Management System
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Action item 3: Correct Hazards and Deficiencies

Program evaluations should be conducted periodically (and at least annually) but might also be triggered by a change in process or equipment, or an incident such as a serious injury, significant property damage, or an increase in safety-related complaints.

Two cranes working near one another delivering workers to a roof top
Always be on the lookout for weaknesses in the CSMS.

Whenever a problem is identified in any part of the safety and health program, employers, in coordination with supervisors, managers, and workers, should take prompt action to correct the problem and prevent its recurrence.

How to Accomplish It

  • If you discover program shortcomings, take actions needed to correct them.
  • Proactively seek input from managers, workers, supervisors, and other stakeholders on how you can improve the program.
  • Determine whether changes in equipment, facilities, materials, key personnel, or work practices trigger any need for changes in the program.
  • Determine whether your performance indicators and goals are still relevant and, if not, how you could change them to more effectively drive improvements in worksite safety and health.

Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.

10-8. A change in equipment, facilities, materials, personnel, or work practices _____.