Institute World-Class Leadership
According to W. Edwards Deming, "the aim of supervision should be to help people and machines do a better job.

Supervision of management is in need of overhaul, as well as supervision of production workers."
The key to adopting and instituting leadership, of course, lies at the top. Management needs to lead by example, action, and word. The leader "cares" about those he or she leads. After all, the management's success is tied to the success of all employees. The "servant leadership" (leaders serve those whom they lead) model fits well into the ideas expressed by Deming and others.
There is no better way to demonstrate sound principles of leadership and commitment than in making sure employees have the support, resources, training, and time to use safe work procedures at a job site. Ensuring safety is one of the most visible undertakings management can take to show employees that they are not merely hired hands who can be replaced, but are valued human resources: a part of the family.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
10-9. How can management best display sound safety leadership and commitment?
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