CSMS Improvement Process
After the CSMS is established, it should be evaluated continuously to verify if it is working as intended.

OSHA consultants can be a big help in improving the CSMS.
The CSMS improvement process contains three phases:" Monitoring, verification, and corrective actions. The process includes the following three action items:
- Monitoring Performance and Progress: This phase includes establishing, tracking, and providing current program performance data that indicate whether the program is making progress.
- Verifying Program Performance: In this phase each CSMS progam is continuously analyzed to identify shortcomings and opportunities for improvement. Current programs are evaluated to see how well they are performing to achieve their targeted goals and objectives.
- Correcting Hazards and Deficiencies: Provide solutions that give managers and workers the opportunity to participate in identifying, mitigating, and making improvements to hazards and system deficiencies. Whenever the improvement process identifies opportunities to improve the program, management and employees should work together to take corrective actions and make system improvements.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
10-5. In which phase of the CSMS improvement process does the employer evaluate each of the current programs to see how well they are performing?
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