100 |
Introduction to OSHAcademy |
0.4 |
4 |
General Industry |
Target Audience: Employee |
Topics include:OSHAcademy Training: Courses, Programs, Learning Partnerships, Articulation Agreement, Kudos; Training Courses:
Modules, Sections, Navigating Between Modules and Sections, Knowledge Checks, Course Exams; Student Dashboard: Student Transcript, Student Training Record
Card, Enrolled Courses and Programs, Student Profile, Course and Program Enrollment, Shopping Cart, Transactions; Official Documents: Certificate Packages,
Official Transcripts, Training Record Card, Course and Program Certificates, and Validate Training. |
105 |
Hazard Communication: Basic |
1 |
2 |
General Industry |
Target Audience: Employee, Supervisor, Manager |
Topics include:The HCS 2012 Standard, The Global Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS),
Hazardous Substances, Chemical Effects and Primary Routes of Entry, Hierarchy of Controls, Chemical Containers, Container Labeling, Pictograms, Safety Data Sheets (SDS), and
Training Requirements. |
107 |
Emergency Action and Fire Prevention Plans |
1 |
2 |
General Industry |
Target Audience: Employee, Supervisor, Manager |
Topics include:Emergency Action Plan (EAP); Communication and Reporting Requirements; Evacuation Procedures; Evacuation Warden Responsibilities;
Exit Routes; Assembly Areas and Accounting for Employees; Fire, Rescue, and Medical Services Coordination; Fire Prevention Plan (FPP); Plan Administrator, Supervisor, and
Employee Duties; Written Plan Components; FPP Best Practices; Types of Fire Hazards in the Workplace; Fire Extinguishing Systems; Using the PASS Method to Extinguish Fires;
and FPP Training Requirements. |
108 |
Personal Protective Equipment: Basic |
1 |
2 |
All Industries |
Target Audience: Employee, Supervisor, Manager |
Topics include:Employer and Employee PPE Responsibilities; PPE Selection and Training; Types of PPE; Eye and Face Protection (Spectacles, Goggles, and Shields);
Respiratory Protection (Respirators); Head Protection (Hard Hats); Arm and Hand Protection (Gloves); Leg and Foot Protection (Safety Leggings, Boots, and Shoes); Electrical Protection;
and Hearing Protection. |
112 |
Introduction to Safety Supervision |
1 |
2 |
General Industry |
Target Audience: Employee, Supervisor, Manager |
Topics include:Supervision: Legal Requirements, Agent of the Employer, Employer Responsibilities, Employee Rights, Discrimination, and Identifying
Hazards; Supervisor Tools; Training: Supervisor-lead Training, Show and Tell Model, and Documentation; Accountability: Progressive Discipline, Supervisor Obligations, and
an Effective Accountability System; Resource: Materials, Equipment, Environment, and People; Support: Workplace Stress, Management vs. Leadership, and Tough-caring Leadership. |
113 |
Introduction to Safety Leadership |
1 |
2 |
All Industries |
Target Audience: Employee, Supervisor, Manager |
Topics include:Defining Leadership; The Five Levels of Leadership; Leadership and Workplace Culture; Tough-Coercive, Tough-Controlling,
and Tough-Caring Leadership Styles; Proactive versus Reactive Leadership; Mission and Vision Statements; Goals and Objectives; Leadership Commitment and Support;
Involvement and Participation in Safety; Role of Positive Recognition; and Leadership in Developing Successful Safety Programs. |
114 |
Walking-Working Surfaces and Fall Protection |
1 |
2 |
All Industries |
Target Audience: Employee, Supervisor, Manager |
Topics include:Surface Hazards Causing Falls: Walking-Working Surface, Portable and Fixed Ladders, and Mobile Stands and Platforms;
Protection Against Falls: Holes and Openings, Fixed Ladders, Roofs, Designated Areas, and Covers; Fall Protection Systems: Guardrail Requirements,
Handrail and Stair Rail Systems, Fixed Ladder Safety, Falling Object Protection, and Grab Handles. |
115 |
Electrical Safety for Employees: Basic |
1 |
2 |
General Industry |
Target Audience: Employee, Supervisor, Manager |
Topics include:Related OSHA Standards; Electrical Safety Program; Recognizing Hazards; Electrical Terms - Volts, Ohms, and Amperes;
Series and Parallel Circuits; Shocks; Electrical Burns; High Voltage Hazards; Static Electricity; Overload Hazards; Insulation; Guarding; Grounding; Circuit
Protection Devices; Lockout/Tagout (LOTO); Overhead Power Lines; Electrical Protective Equipment; and Training Requirements. |
116 |
Introduction to Safety Accountability |
1 |
2 |
All Industries |
Target Audience: Employee, Supervisor, Manager |
Topics include:Responsibility, Accountability, Performance Measures, Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), Leading and Lagging Indicators,
Appropriate and Effective Consequences, Positive and Negative Reinforcement, The "Cause and Effect" Principle, Justification for Discipline, and Effective
Recognition Strategies. |
117 |
Introduction to Safety Recognition |
1 |
2 |
All Industries |
Target Audience: Employee, Supervisor, Manager |
Topics include:Characteristics of Effective Recognition, Intrinsic and Extrinsic Rewards, Reactive vs. Proactive Recognition, Proactive
Recognition Programs, Operant Conditioning, Positive and Negative Reinforcement, Positive and Negative Punishment, Rules for Effective Recognition, The Safety
Butterfly Effect, Ignoring Excellence, and Recognition Ideas that Work. |
119 |
Driver Safety |
1 |
2 |
All Industries |
Target Audience: Employee, Supervisor, Manager |
Topics include:Fatal Four Hazards, Drunk and Drug-Impaired Driving Hazards, Effects of Alcohol, Drowsy Driving Warning Signs, Reckless and
Careless Driving, Speeding Factors, Distracted Driving Hazard Categories, Seat Belt Importance, Winter Driving Hazards, Rough Road Hazards, and Safe Driving Practices. |
120 |
Warehouse Safety |
1 |
2 |
All Industries |
Target Audience: Employee, Supervisor, Manager |
Topics include: Hazards and Solutions, Loading Docks, Forklift Safety, Conveyors, Materials Storage, Manual Lifting/Handling, Hazard Communication,
Charging Stations, Ergonomics, Fire and Emergencies, and Safe Driving Practices. |
121 |
Introduction to Safety Training |
1 |
2 |
All Industries |
Target Audience: Employee, Supervisor, Manager |
Topics include: Education, Instruction, and Training Definitions; Strategies to Increase Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities (KSAs);
Training Documentation; Certification; ASSE/ANSI 490.1 Instructor and Training Program Criteria; OSHA 1910.120 App A Criteria for Instructors and Training
Program; Trainer Qualification, Evaluation, and Annual Review; Management Involvement; Course Development; Skills Demonstration; On-the-Job Training; Writing
Goals and Objectives; Supervisor and Management Training; and Retraining Criteria. |
122 |
Introduction to Hazard Controls |
1 |
2 |
All Industries |
Target Audience: Employee, Supervisor, Manager |
Topics include: Hazard and Exposure Definitions; General Hazard Categories; OSHA-Recognized Hazard Categories; Hazard Types; Physical,
Environmental, And Potential Exposure; Hierarchy of Hazard Controls; Control Strategies - Elimination, Substitution, Engineering, Administrative Controls, Work
Practices, and Personal Protective Equipment; Interim Measures; and Corrective and Preventive Maintenance. |
123 |
Introduction to Job Hazard Analysis |
1 |
2 |
All Industries |
Target Audience: Employee, Supervisor, Manager |
Topics include: Purpose of the JHA; Steps in Developing a JHA; Identifying Hazards and Behaviors; Risk Analysis - Probability,
Severity, and Exposure; Risk Analysis Matrix; Prioritizing Jobs for a JHA; Writing the Steps - Actors and Actions; Common Hazards; Hazard Control Strategies;
Writing Preventive Measures; Writing The Safe Job Procedure; and JHA Team Formation and Responsibilities. |
138 |
Workplace Hygiene and Illness Prevention |
1 |
3 |
All Industries |
Target Audience: Employee |
Topics include:Hand Hygiene, Hand Sanitizer Uses, Housekeeping, Cleaning & Disinfecting, Contagious Diseases, Communicable versus
Non-Communicable Disease, Indirect Transmission, Disease Symptoms, When to See a Doctor, Treatment, Disease Prevention, Vaccines, What to do When Feeling Sick,
and Healthy Workplace Practices. |
139 |
Guidance for Cleaning and Disinfecting |
0.5 |
1 |
All Industries |
Target Audience: Employee |
Topics include:Cleaning and Disinfecting Procedures; EPA-approved Disinfectants; Reducing Risk of Exposure to Coronaviruses; Developing,
Implementing, Maintaining and Reviewing the Plan; Determining What Needs to be Cleaned and Disinfected; Cleaning Visibly Dirty Surfaces with Soap and Water;
Routine Cleaning and Disinfecting; Maintaining Safe Behavioral Practices; and Practices that Reduce Exposure. |
144 |
Introduction to OSHA |
1 |
2 |
All Industries |
Target Audience: Employee, Supervisor, Manager |
Topics include:OSHAct of 1970, OSHA's Mission, OSHA Standards, Employer Responsibilities, Worker Rights/Responsibilities, Enforcing Standards,
Recognized Hazards, Reporting Safety Hazards, Whistleblower Protections, Worker Resources, Safety Health Achievement and Recognition Program (SHARP), Voluntary Protection
Program (VPP), OSHA Alliances, and Whistleblower Protections. |
150 |
Physical Health Hazards in Construction |
1 |
2 |
Construction |
Target Audience: Employee, Supervisor, Manager |
Topics include: Major Risk Factors; High-risk Occupations; Chemical Hazards; Chronic and Acute Health Effects; Exposure to Asbestos, Silica, and Lead;
and Health Hazards While Working in Confined Spaces. |
151 |
Biological Health Hazards in Construction |
1 |
2 |
Construction |
Target Audience: Employee, Supervisor, Manager |
Topics include: Biological Risks Factors; Exposure Routes; Control Methods and Measures for Mold and Poisonous Plants, Infectious Animals and Insects,
Tick-borne Diseases, Lyme Disease and West Nile Virus, Venomous Snakes, and Insects. |
152 |
Ergonomic Hazards in Construction |
1 |
2 |
Construction |
Target Audience: Employee, Supervisor, Manager |
Topics include: Ergonomic Risks Factors Inherent in the Worker (Age, Gender, Physical Activity, Strength, and Anthropometry); the Task
(Force, Vibration, Repetition, Recovery Time, Duration, Twisting, and Posture); and the Environment (Illumination, Sound, Temperature, and Psychosocial). |
153 |
Ergonomic Hazards in General Industry |
1 |
2 |
General Industry |
Target Audience: Employee, Supervisor, Manager |
Topics include: Definition of Ergonomics; Risk Factors Inherent in the Worker, Task, and Environment; Worker Risk Factors: Age, Gender,
Physical Fitness, Strength, Anthropometry; Task Risk Factors: Force, Vibration, Repetition, Recovery Time, Duration, Posture; Environmental Risk Factors: Illumination,
Noise, Temperature, Psychosocial; Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs); Hierarchy of Controls; Safe Lifting Techniques; and Prioritizing Jobs With a JHA. |
154 |
Machine Safeguarding: Basic |
1 |
2 |
All Industries |
Target Audience: Employee, Supervisor |
Topics include: Mechanical Hazards of Moving Parts - Motions and Actions; Motions- Rotating, Reciprocating, and Transversing; Actions -
Cutting, Punching, Shearing, and Bending; Nip Point - Parallel Rotating Parts, Tangentially Moving Parts, and Rotating and Fixed Parts; Requirements for Machine Guards;
Design and Construction Considerations; Training; PPE and Clothing Precautions; Machine Safeguards - Guards, Devices, Location, Potential Feeding and Ejection Methods,
and Miscellaneous Aids; Guards - Fixed, Adjustable, Interlocked, and Self Adjusting; Devices - Presence-sensing, Pullback, Restraint, Safety Trip, and Two-hand Control
and Trip Devices; and Robot Systems. |
155 |
Welding Safety: Basic |
1 |
2 |
All Industries |
Target Audience: Employee, Supervisor |
Topics include: Welding, Cutting, Brazing, Coalescence, and Soldering; Torches and Hoses; Weldability, Filler Materials,
Flux, and Welding Defects; Gas Welding, Arc Welding, and Other Welding Processes; Welding Hazards and Precautions; Welding Location; Hot Work; Fire
Prevention; Welding or Cutting Containers; Operating Welding Equipment; Brazing and Soldering Hazards and Precautions; Wounds and Burns; Gases and
Fumes; and Personal Protective Equipment - Helmets, Gauntlets, Shoes, Aprons, and Shields. |
156 |
Forklift Safety: Basic |
1 |
2 |
All Industries |
Target Audience: Employee, Supervisor |
Topics include: Forklift Safety Features; Lifting Loads - Stability Triangle, Fulcrum Principle, and Center of Gravity; Load and Forklift
Moment; Calculating Safe Lifts; Raising Loads and Forklift Stability; Driving on an Incline; LPG and Electric Forklifts; Driving Forklifts on Ramps, Docks, and Into
Trucks; Forklift Attachments; Hazardous Workplace Conditions; Pre-Use Inspection; Loading and Unloading; and Traffic Patterns. |
157 |
Excavation Safety: Basic |
1 |
2 |
General Industry |
Target Audience: Employee, Supervisor, Manager |
Topics include: Definitions; Common Soil Problems; Soil Mechanics - Tension Cracks, Sliding, Sluffing,
Heaving, Squeezing, and Boiling; Unit Weight of Soils; Type A, B, and C Soil Characteristics; Visual and Manual Testing Techniques;
Competent Person Requirements; Pre-job Planning; Protective Systems - Sloping, Shoring, and Benching Requirements; Installation and
Removal of Protective Systems; Shielding and Trench Boxes; and Safe Ingress and Egress. |
158 |
Crane Safety: Basic |
1 |
2 |
All Industries |
Target Audience: Employee, Supervisor |
Topics include: Crane Types - Mobile, Tower, Articulating, and Derricks; Duties of the Controlling Employer and the
Assembly/Disassembly Director (A/D Director); Competent Person; Qualified Person; Signals - Hand, Voice, Audible, and New Methods; Signal Person Duties;
Operator, Crew Team, and Rigger Responsibilities; Training Requirements; Certification Methods; Inspections and Corrective Actions; Work Area Control;
Hoisting Load and Traveling with Loads; Suspended Load Safety; and Hoisting Personnel. |
159 |
Hearing Protection: Basic |
1 |
2 |
All Industries |
Target Audience: Employee, Supervisor |
Topics include: Welding, Cutting, Brazing, Coalescence, and Soldering; Torches and Hoses; Weldability, Filler Materials,
Flux, and Welding Defects; Gas Welding, Arc Welding, and Other Welding Processes; Welding Hazards and Precautions; Welding Location; Hot Work;
Fire Prevention; Welding or Cutting Containers; Operating Welding Equipment; Brazing and Soldering Hazards and Precautions; Wounds and Burns;
Gases and Fumes; and Personal Protective Equipment - Helmets, Gauntlets, Shoes, Aprons, and Shields. |
160 |
Tool Safety: Basic |
1 |
2 |
All Industries |
Target Audience: Employee, Supervisor |
Topics include: Hand Tool Safe Work Practices; Ergonomics - Hand and Wrist Position, Contact Pressure,
Pinch Grip, and Power Grip Techniques; Selecting the Right Tool; Symptoms of Hand and Wrist Injury; Single and Double-Handled Tools;
Handle Edges and Surfaces; Proper Hand Tool Use; Replacement and Storage; Machine Guards; Personal Protective Equipment, Clothing,
And Grooming; Operating Switches and Controls; Extension Cord Use; Grounding and Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters (GFCIs); and
Double-Insulated Tools. |
161 |
Industrial Hygiene: Basic |
1 |
2 |
All Industries |
Target Audience: Employee, Supervisor |
Topics include: Industrial Hygiene Goals; Worksite Analysis; Hierarchy of Controls; Hazard Controls -
Elimination, Substitution, and Engineering Controls; Exposure Controls - Administrative Controls, Work Practices, and Personal
Protective Equipment; Indoor and Outdoor Quality; Air Contaminants; Toxic and Hazardous Chemicals; Routes of Exposure; Biological
Hazards and Agents; Physical Health Hazards; Ionizing and Non-Ionizing Radiation; Noise; Heat and Humidity; and Ergonomics. |
162 |
Accident Investigation: Basic |
1 |
2 |
All Industries |
Target Audience: Employee, Supervisor |
Topics include: Purpose of the Accident Investigation, Fact-Finding vs. Fault-Finding, Securing the Scene,
Documenting the Scene, Interviewing Witnesses, Developing Events, Sequencing Events, Surface and Root Cause Analysis, Developing
Recommendations, Short-Term Corrective Actions, Long-Term System Improvements, Selling Management on Recommendations, and Writing
the Report. |
170 |
Healthcare: Latex Allergy |
0.5 |
1 |
Healthcare |
Target Audience: Employee |
Topics include: Latex Definition; Types of Allergic Reactions: Irritant Contact Dermatitis, Allergic Contact
Dermatitis, and IgE/histamine-mediated Allergy; Diagnosing Latex Allergy; Latex Allergy Protection; Developing Symptoms; Barrier
Protection; Reducing Exposure; and Employer and Worker Responsibility. |
171 |
Healthcare: Hazardous Chemicals |
0.5 |
1 |
Healthcare |
Target Audience: Employee |
Topics include: Administrating Hazardous Drugs; Hazardous Drug Safety and Health Plan; Engineering and Administrative
Controls; Personal Protective Equipment; Medical Services and First Aid; and Hazardous Chemicals: Ethylene Oxide, Formaldehyde, Gluteraldehyde,
gMercury, and Waste Anesthetic Gases. |
172 |
Healthcare: Glutaraldehyde Safety |
0.5 |
1 |
Healthcare |
Target Audience: Employee |
Topics include: Glutaraldehyde Hazards, Exposure Methods, Health Effects, Hierarchy of Controls, Personal Protective Equipment,
Administrative Work Practice Controls, Local Exhaust Ventilation, Automated Disinfection, Transportation and Storage, Use and Handling Procedures, and
Employee Training. |
173 |
Healthcare: Mercury Safety |
0.5 |
1 |
Healthcare |
Target Audience: Employee |
Topics include: Mercury Hazards; Occupational Exposure to Mercury; Mercury Health Effects; Hierarchy of Controls: Elimination
and Substitution, Engineering Controls, Administrative Work Practice Controls, and Personal Protective Equipment; OSHA Mercury Exposure Requirements;
Mercury Alternatives; and Mercury-Free Healthcare. |
174 |
Healthcare: Fire Safety |
0.5 |
1 |
Healthcare |
Target Audience: Employee |
Topics include: Causes of Hospital Fires: Electrical Equipment, Kitchen Facilities, Cigarettes, Specialized Medical Equipment, Hand
Sanitizers, Gas Cylinders and Medical Oxygen Compliance; Fire Door Compliance; Fire Exit Obstructions; Portable Fire Extinguishers; Five Classes of Fire; Fire
Sprinklers; OSHA Fire Safety Requirements; Exit Routes; Emergency Action Plans; Types of Evacuation; Fire Prevention; Fire Drills; and Notification of External
Agencies. |
175 |
Healthcare: Biological Hazards |
0.5 |
3 |
Healthcare |
Target Audience: Employee |
Topics include: Legionnaires' Disease: Causes and Common Sources of Infection, People at Increased Risk, How It Spreads, Symptoms,
Legionellosis, Pontiac Fever, Water Management Programs, and Healthcare-Associated Outbreaks;MRSA in Healthcare: How MRSA is Spread, Symptoms, Preventing MRSA
in a Healthcare Setting, Personal Protective Equipment, and Sanitation; Tuberculosis: Latent TB Infection, TB Disease, Screening and Testing, TB Infection
Control in Healthcare Settings, Administrative Measures, Environmental Controls, and Respiratory Protective Equipment. |
176 |
Healthcare: Workplace Stress and Violence |
0.5 |
2 |
Healthcare |
Target Audience: Employee |
Topics include: Violence in Healthcare, Risk Factors, Prevention Strategies, Worksite Analysis, Violence Prevention Program, Hazard
Prevention and Control, Job Stress and Health, Safety and Health Training, Recordkeeping and Evaluation of Program, Environmental Designs, Consequences of Violence,
Early Warning Signs of Stress, Stress Symptoms, Stress Among Nurses and Physicians, Workplace Injury, and Coping with Stress. |
177 |
Healthcare: Electrical Safety |
0.5 |
1 |
Healthcare |
Target Audience: Employee |
Topics include: Electrical Safety Rules, Recognized Hazards, Labeled Equipment, Defective Insulation Hazards, Personal Protective Equipment,
Work Practice Controls, Safe Work Practices, and Ground-Fault Circuit Interrupters (GFCI's). |
178 |
Healthcare: Personal Protective Equipment |
0.5 |
1 |
Healthcare |
Target Audience: Employee |
Topics include: Choosing the Right Personal Protective Equipment (PPE); Proper Fit; PPE and the Bloodborne Pathogens Standard; Types of PPE:
Gloves, Masks, Eye Protection, Protective Clothing, Respirators, and Hearing Protection; and General PPE Guidelines. |
179 |
Healthcare: Introduction to Common Hospital Hazards |
0.5 |
2 |
Healthcare |
Target Audience: Employee |
Topics include: Common Hazards; Slips, Trips, and Falls in Emergency Room; Intensive Care Units; Physical Therapy; Hazardous Chemicals;
Bloodborne Pathogens; Workplace Violence; Burns and Cuts; and Carbonless Paper. |
180 |
Healthcare: Hospital Heliport Safety |
0.5 |
1 |
Healthcare |
Target Audience: Employee |
Topics include: Equipment Hazards, Noise and Communication, Debris on Helipad, Ergonomics, Fueling Hazards, and Other Safety Considerations |
181 |
Healthcare: Sharps Safety |
0.5 |
1 |
Healthcare |
Target Audience: Employee |
Topics include: Exposure Control Plan; Sharps Injuries; Preventing Injuries; Activities Associated with Injuries; High-Risk Areas; Sharps
Containers; Hierarchy of Controls: Elimination and Substitution, Engineering Controls, Work Practice Controls, and Administrative Controls; and Employer and Worker
Recommendations. |
182 |
Healthcare: Ethylene Oxide Safety |
0.5 |
1 |
Healthcare |
Target Audience: Employee |
Topics include: Overview of Ethylene Oxide, Health Studies, Exposure Routes, Acute & Chronic Exposures, Hierarchy of Controls, First Aid
Procedures, and Hospital Sterilization. |
183 |
Healthcare: Radiation Safety |
0.5 |
1 |
Healthcare |
Target Audience: Employee |
Topics include: Radiation in Healthcare, Non-Ionizing & Ionizing Radiation, X-Ray Controls,
Radiation Detection, Internal & External Contamination, Radiation Exposure and Emergencies, Acute Radiation Syndrome,
Cutaneous Radiation Injury, and Long-Term Health Effects of Radiation Exposure. |
184 |
Healthcare: Asbestos Safety |
0.5 |
1 |
Healthcare |
Target Audience: Employee |
Topics include: Asbestos Overview; Asbestos Hazards; Asbestosis Diagnosis: Imaging Tests, Pulmonary Function Tests, and Treatment; Mesothelioma:
Symptoms, Radiation Therapy, Chemotherapy, and Targeted Therapy; Asbestos Exposure in Healthcare; and Possible Solutions. |
301 |
Utility Knife Safety |
0.3 |
6 |
General |
Target Audience: Employee, Supervisor, Manager |
Topics include: Understanding Utility Knives; OSHA Regulations and Standards; Safe Handling Techniques; Maintenance and Storage; Personal Protective Equipment (PPE);
and Emergency Procedures. |
510 |
EM385-1-1 (Chapters 1-8) 2024 |
8 |
8 |
Public Sector |
Target Audience: Employee, Supervisor, Manager, Contractors |
Topics include:
Program Management - COE Personnel, Program Management - Contractors; Medical and First Aid Requirements;
Temporary Facilities; Personal Protective and Safety Equipment; Hazardous or Toxic Agents and Environments;
Lighting; Accident Prevention Signs, Tags, Labels, and Signals, and Traffic Control.
511 |
EM385-1-1 (Chapters 9-15) 2024 |
8 |
7 |
Public Sector |
Target Audience: Employee, Supervisor, Manager, Contractors |
Topics include:
Fire Prevention, Fire Triangle, Extinguishing Systems, Welding Systems, Cutting Safety, Electrical Principles,
Energy Control, Lockout Tagout, Welding and Cutting, Hand and Power Tools, Material Handling, and Rigging Safety.
512 |
EM385-1-1 (Chapters 16-22) 2024 |
8 |
7 |
Public Sector |
Target Audience: Employee, Supervisor, Manager, Contractors |
Topics include:
Material Handling, Storage and Disposal, Rigging, Cranes and Hoisting Equipment, Conveyors, Motor Vehicles,
Machinery and Mechanized Equipment, All Terrain Vehicles, Utility Vehicles and other Specialty Vehicles, and
Floating Plant and Marine Activities.
513 |
EM385-1-1 (Chapters 23-29) 2024 |
8 |
7 |
Public Sector |
Target Audience: Employee, Supervisor, Manager, Contractors |
Topics include:
Rope Access, Safe Access, Excavations, Underground Construction, Masonry and Roofing,
Wood Constructions, Steel Erection, and Blasting.
514 |
EM385-1-1 (Chapters 30-37) 2024 |
8 |
8 |
Public Sector |
Target Audience: Employee, Supervisor, Manager, Contractors |
Topics include:
Diving Operations, Tree Maintenance and Removal, Airfield and Aircraft Operations, Uncrewed Aircraft,
Confined Space, Sanitation, Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response, and Emergency Operations.
570 |
School Safety: Athletics Supervision |
3 |
3 |
Public Sector |
Target Audience: Employee, Supervisor, Manager |
Topics include: Coaching Safety, Concussions, Medical Emergencies,
Hidden Threats for Student Athletes, Heat Stroke, Sudden Cardiac Arrest, Weight Room Safety, Weight Room Injuries,
Maintenance and Supervision Concerns, Athletic Event Safety, Security Strategies, Emergency Preparedness, Bleacher
Safety and Hazards, and Lightning Safety Precautions. |
571 |
School Safety: Exterior Facilities |
3 |
4 |
Public Sector |
Target Audience: Employee, Supervisor, Manager |
Topics include: 1) Parking Lot Safety: Student Drop-Off and Pick-Up Safety, Curb Striping,
and Monitoring and Enforcement; 2) Portable Classrooms; 3) Sports Field Maintenance: Improving Playing Surfaces,
Watering Fields, Field Renovation, and Bleacher Hazards and Safety; 4) Building Inspections: Roof Maintenance, Gutters,
Clay Tiled Roofs, Corrugated Steel Roofs, Fiber Cement Roofs, and Steel Structures. |
575 |
School Safety: Crisis Planning |
3 |
5 |
Public Sector |
Target Audience: Employee, Supervisor, Manager |
Topics include: Crisis Management, Crisis Teams, Key Principles for Effective
Crisis Planning, Mitigation and Prevention, School Administrator Duties, Preparedness, Identifying and Involving Stakeholders,
Necessary Equipment and Supplies, Evacuation, Reverse Evacuation, Lockdown, Shelter-in Place, Accountability and Student
Release Procedures, Crisis Response, Element of Surprise, Triage Injuries, Leadership, Documentation, Crisis Recovery,
Intervention, Communication, Emotional Needs, Daily Debriefings, and Evaluations. |
600 |
Introduction to Occupational Safety and Health |
4 |
6 |
General Industry |
Target Audience: Employee |
Topics include: Introduction to OSHA, Employee Rights, Hazard Identification
and Awareness, Employee Fall Protection, Basic Ergonomics, Electrical Safety Awareness, Hierarchy of Hazard Controls,
Introduction to Personal Protective Equipment, and Components of an Emergency Action Plan. |
601 |
Essentials of Occupational Safety and Health |
4 |
5 |
General Industry |
Target Audience: Employee |
Topics include: Hazard Communications, Forms of Hazardous Chemicals, Flammable and Combustible
Liquids, Fire or Explosion Hazards, Ventilation, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), Walking and Working Surfaces, Good
Housekeeping, Preventing Workplace Violence, and Safety and Health Programs. |
602 |
Heat and Cold Stress Safety |
1 |
2 |
General Industry, Construction |
Target Audience: Employee |
Topics include: Heat-Related Illnesses, Preventing Heat Illnesses, Cold Stress Factors,
Cold-Related Illnesses, Protective Clothing, Engineering Controls, and Work Practice Measures. |
603 |
Stairway and Ladder Safety |
1 |
3 |
General Industry, Construction |
Target Audience: Employee |
Topics include: Types of Ladders, Portable Ladders, General Requirements for Ladders, Securing
Ladders, Inspecting Ladders, Ladder Angle, General Requirements for Stairways, Stair Rail and Handrail Requirements, and
Stairways Used During Construction. |
604 |
Scaffold Safety |
2 |
3 |
General Industry, Construction |
Target Audience: Employee |
Topics include: Scaffolding Basics, Supported Scaffolds, Suspended Scaffolds, Aerial Lifts,
Scaffolding Terms, Training Requirements, Types of Scaffolds, Competent Person, Fall Protection, and Common Hazards in
Scaffolding. |
605 |
Confined Space Safety |
2 |
5 |
General Industry, Construction |
Target Audience: Employee |
Topics include: Types of Confined Spaces, Basic Terms for Confined Space, Permit Required
Confined Spaces, Non-Permit Required Confined Spaces, Entry Team Responsibilities, Hazardous Conditions inside a Confined
Space, Confined Space Rescues, and Confined Space Training Requirements. |
606 |
Hazard Communication for the Employee |
3 |
4 |
General Industry |
Target Audience: Employee |
Topics include: General Responsibilities for Hazard Communication, Chemicals in Sealed Containers,
Chemical Health Hazards, Container Labeling Requirements, Alternative Labeling Methods, HCS 2012 Pictogram Requirements, and
Employee Training Requirements. |
607 |
Tattoo and Body Art Safety |
1 |
2 |
Specialty |
Target Audience: Employee |
Topics include: Universal Precautions and Regulations, Preventing Needlestick Injuries, Sharps
Disposal Containers, Exposure Control Plan, Risks Associated with Tattooing, Reducing Cross-Contamination, Personal
Protective Equipment, Disinfecting Surfaces, Cleaning Tools and Equipment, and Sterilization Machines. |
608 |
Dental Office Safety |
2 |
2 |
Healthcare |
Target Audience: Employee |
Topics include: Potential Health Hazards, Silicosis, Beryllium Risks, Reducing Radiation Exposure,
Bloodborne Pathogens, Risk of Infection after Occupational Exposure, Contact Dermatitis, Latex Allergies, Personal Protective
Equipment, Cleaning Instruments Before Sterilization, Cleaning and Disinfection Strategies for Blood Spills, Extracted Teeth
Disposal, Hand Hygiene, Hand Lotions, and Gloves. |
609 |
Health Hazards in Nail Salons |
3 |
3 |
Specialty |
Target Audience: Employee |
Topics include: Preventing Exposure to Chemical Hazards, Product Labeling Requirements, Adequate
Ventilation, Biological Hazard Protection, Respirator Selection and Use, Reducing Ergonomic Hazards, and Recommended
Stretching Exercises. |
610 |
Housekeeping Safety |
1 |
3 |
General Industry |
Target Audience: Employee |
Topics include: Cleaning Chemicals and Your Health; Chemical Concerns; Safe Work Practices;
Better Ways to Clean; Safety Data Sheets; Worker Training; Employer Responsibilities; Contaminated Materials,
Equipment, Working Surfaces, and Laundry; Preventing Ergonomic Injuries; Awkward Postures; Housekeeping Tasks; and
Alternative Work Methods. |
611 |
Nail Gun Safety |
3 |
3 |
Construction |
Target Audience: Employee |
Topics include: Nail Gun Hazards; Likelihood of Injuries; Nail Gun Triggers: How Triggers Differ,
Single and Full Sequential Triggers, Contact Trigger, and Single Actuation Trigger; Worker Training; Nail Gun Work Procedures;
Personal Protective Equipment; Reporting Injuries and Close Calls; Nail Gun Injuries; Unintended Nail Discharge; Awkward
Position Nailing; Bypassing Safety Mechanisms; Air Pressure; Noise Hazards; and Musculoskeletal Disorders. |
612 |
Work Zone Traffic Safety |
2 |
3 |
General Industry, Construction |
Target Audience: Employee |
Topics include: Roadway Worker Risks, Equipment Operator and Workers-on-Foot Risk Factors,
Temporary Traffic Control Plans, Working at Night, Protecting Workers in Work Zones, Blind Spot Hazards, Operating Dump
Trucks in Reverse, Backing Safety Solutions, Suggested Spotting Signals, Backup Cameras, Proximity Detection System,
Tag-Based Systems, and Internal Traffic Control Plans. |
613 |
Worker Safety in Restaurants |
2 |
6 |
General Industry |
Target Audience: Employee |
Topics include: Serving Safety; Strains and Sprains; Burns and Scalds; Workplace Violence;
Knives and Cuts; Clean-up Safety; Electrical Hazards; Hazardous Chemicals; Drive-thru Safety; Car Exhaust; Noise Hazards;
Prolonged Standing; Cooking Safety; Deep Fat Fryers; Fire and Heat Hazards; Food Preparation Safety; Machine Guarding;
Mincers, Choppers, Dicers, and Slicers; Delivery Safety; Heat and Cold Exposure; and Freezer Safety. |
614 |
Personal Protective and Lifesaving Equipment |
2 |
4 |
General Industry |
Target Audience: Employee, Supervisor |
Topics include: PPE Requirement; Head, Face, and Eye Protection; Hard Hat Types and Classes; Arm,
Hand, Foot and Leg Protection; Body Protection; Hearing Protection; Respiratory Hazards and Protection; Respirator Types-
Air-purifying, Tight-Fitting, Loose-Fitting, and Atmosphere Supplying; Respirator Selection, Care, Maintenance, Cleaning,
and Storage; Filters, Cartridges, and Canisters; Types of Fall Protection Systems; Personal Fall Arrest and Fall Restraint
System Components; Identifying and Evaluating Fall Hazards; Positioning Systems; Guardrail, Safety-Net, and Warning-Line
Systems; Safety Monitoring; Catch Platforms; Lifesaving and Rescue from Height Equipment; and Working Over Water. |
615 |
Electrical Safety - Hazards and Controls |
2 |
3 |
All Industries |
Target Audience: Employee, Supervisor |
Topics include: OSHA Electrical Standards for General Industry and Construction; Definitions - Volt, Ampere, OHM; Series and Parallel Circuits;
High Voltage Arc Flash; Electrical Burns; Electrical Safety Model; Approach Boundaries; Grounding; Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters (GFCI); Risk, Probability, and Severity;
Controlling Electrical Hazards; Work Around Power Lines; and Electrical Protective Equipment. |
617 |
Managing Safety and Health - General Industry |
2 |
3 |
General Industry |
Target Audience: Employee, Supervisor, Manager |
Topics include: Management Leadership; Worker Participation; Hazard Identification, Assessment, Prevention, and Control; Education and Training;
Program Evaluation; Communication and Coordination; and Development and Deployment Action Items. |
618 |
Managing Safety and Health - Construction |
2 |
3 |
General Industry |
Target Audience: Employee, Supervisor, Manager |
Topics include: Management Leadership; Worker Participation; Hazard Identification, Assessment,
Prevention, and Control; Education and Training; Program Evaluation; Communication and Coordination; and Development and
Deployment Action Items. |
619 |
Materials Handling Safety |
2 |
4 |
All Industries |
Target Audience: Employee, Supervisor |
Topics include: Potential Hazards, Precautions for Moving Materials Manually and Mechanically, Precautions When Stacking and Storing Materials,
Crane Safety Measures, Slings, Types of Forklifts (Powered Industrial Trucks), Forklift Protection, Training, and Ergonomics. |
620 |
OSHA Forklift Certification |
2 |
4 |
General Industry |
Target Audience: Employee, Supervisor, Manager |
Topics include: Types of Forklifts, Operator Training Requirements, Trainer Certification Requirements, Principles of Forklift Operation,
Fulcrum Principle, Stability Triangle, Center of Gravity, Moment, Raising/Lowering the Load, Driving on an Incline, Safe Forklift Operations, Inspections, Traveling,
Loading/Unloading, Transferring, Traffic Patterns, Forklift Maintenance, Fueling and Battery Safety, and Hazardous Atmospheres/Substances. |
621 |
Controlling Hazardous Energy |
2 |
3 |
General Industry |
Target Audience: Employee, Supervisor |
Topics include: Energy Control Program Requirements; Types of Hazardous Energy; Energy Transformation;
Lockout (LO), Tagout (TO), and Lockout/Tagout (LOTO); Lockout/Tagout Exceptions, Devices, and Criteria; Training Requirements -
Authorized, Affected, and Other Employees; Training Certification and Documentation; Lockout/Tagout Inspections and Procedures;
Equipment Isolation; Group Lockout/Tagout; Release from Lockout/Tagout; Machine Testing Procedures; Shift Changes; and Working
with Contractors. |
622 |
Forklift Competent Person |
3 |
6 |
All Industries |
Target Audience: Employee, Supervisor, Manager |
Topics include: Competent Person Requirements, Forklift Training, Forklift Operation, Certification Requirements, Types of Forklifts,
Forklift Components, Hazard Identification and Control, Hierarchy of Controls, Stability Triangle, Fulcrum Principle, Center of Gravity, Driving on Inclines,
Inspection, Loading/Unloading, Hoisting, Traveling, and Maintenance. |
623 |
Healthcare: Preventing Ergonomic Injuries |
1 |
3 |
Healthcare |
Target Audience: Employee |
Topics include: Safety and Health Program; Ergonomic Injuries; Management Leadership; Employee
Participation; Workplace Analysis; Patient Handling Controls; Bathing Assistance, Toileting Assistance, and Mechanical
Equipment; Awkward Postures; Transferring Equipment; Lifting Heavy Bags; and Housekeeping Tasks. |
624 |
Healthcare: Slip, Trip, and Fall Prevention |
2 |
2 |
Healthcare |
Target Audience: Employee |
Topics include: Contaminants on the Floor; Poor Drainage, Pipes, and Drains; Indoor and Outdoor
Walking Surfarce Irregularities; Ice and Snow Hazards; Inadequate Lighting; Stairs, Handrails, Stepstools, and Ladders;
Tripping Hazards; Improper Use of Floor Mats and Runners; Risk Assessment; Employee Training and Involvement; and Slip,
Trip, and Fall Prevention Program Components. |
625 |
HIPAA Privacy Training |
1 |
3 |
Healthcare |
Target Audience: Employee |
Topics include: HIPAA Law Components; Training Requirements; Privacy and Security Rule;
Protecting Patients' Privacy; Protected Healthcare Identifier; Good Privacy Practices; Personal Rights; Protected
Information; Employers and Health Information in the Workplace; Sharing Health Information; Filing Complaints; Covered
Entities; Health Plan, Healthcare Clearing House, and Providers; Electronic Protected Health Information; Administrative,
Physical, and Technical Safeguards; Non-Compliance Enforcement; Civil Money and Criminal Penalties. |
628 |
Healthcare: Sonography Safety |
2 |
3 |
Healthcare |
Target Audience: Employee |
Topics include: Transporting and Positioning Patients and Equipment; Body Posture Concepts; Use
and Orientation of Equipment; Examination Rooms; Positioning and Adjusting the Exam Table and Ultrasound Equipment; Using
Imaging Supplies; Monitor Placement; Engineering, Administrative, and Work Practice Controls; and Problem Recognition and
Intervention. |
629 |
Planning for Workplace Emergencies |
2 |
3 |
General |
Target Audience: Employee |
Topics include: Emergency Action Plan (EAP); Communication and Reporting Requirements; Evacuation
Procedures; Evacuation Warden Responsibilities; Active Shooter Response; Exit Routes and Exit Door Requirements; Assembly
Areas and Accounting for Employees; Fire, Rescue, and Medical Services Coordination; Fire Prevention Plan (FPP); Plan
Administrator, Supervisor, and Employee Duties; Written Plan Components; FPP Best Practices; Types of Fire Hazards in the
Workplace; Fire Extinguishing Systems; Using the Pass Method to Extinguish Fires; and FPP Training Requirements. |
630 |
Healthcare: Pharmacy Safety |
3 |
3 |
Healthcare |
Target Audience: Employee |
Topics include: Hazardous Drugs; Health Effects of Hazardous Drugs; Hazard Communication
Standard; Hazardous Drug Safety and Health Plan; Hazard Assessment; Hazardous Drug Training; Biological Safety Cabinets;
Decontamination Procedures; Personal Protective Equipment; Handling, Labeling, and Disposal Practices; Workplace Violence;
Ergonomic Hazards; and Acute and Chronic Injuries. |
631 |
Healthcare: Surgical Suite Safety |
3 |
3 |
Healthcare |
Target Audience: Employee |
Topics include: Dangerous Waste Gases; Bloodborne Pathogens; Sharps Injuries; Latex Allergies;
Static and Awkward Postures; Compressed Gases; Smoke Plume; Hazardous Chemicals; Equipment Hazards; Slips, Trips, and Falls;
and Medical Laser Classifications. |
633 |
Healthcare: Hospital Emergency Room Safety |
3 |
3 |
All Industries |
Target Audience: Employee |
Topics include: Emergency Room Health Risks; Hazardous Chemicals; Slips, Trips, and Falls;
Latex Allergies; Tuberculosis; Workplace Violence; Warning Signs of Violence; Primary Reason for Hospital Violence;
Measures to Manage Violence; Equipment Hazards; Terrorism; Anthrax; and Elements of a Hospital Emergency Response Plan. |
638 |
Preparing Workplaces for COVID-19 |
2 |
4 |
All Industries |
Target Audience: Employee, Supervisor, Manager, Contractor |
Topics include: Infectious Disease Prevention & Planning; COVID-19 Pandemic: Employer Responsibilities, What is COVID-19,
Symptoms, Transmission Methods, and the Affect on the Workplace; Infectious Disease Preparedness and Response Plan; Basic Infection Prevention
Measures; Developing Policies and Procedures; Exposure Control Strategies; Hierarchy of Controls: Engineering Controls, Warnings, Administrative Controls,
Safe Work Practices, and Personal Protective Equipment; Types of Respiratory Protection; Facemasks and N95 Filtering Facepiece Respirators (FFR);
Respirator Fit Testing and Inspection Requirements; Respiratory Protection Training; Exposure Risk Levels; How To Protect Workers; Workers Living Abroad
or Traveling Internationally; Following Existing OSHA Standards; and Employee Training Strategies; CDC 3-Phase Reopening Approach |
639 |
Operating Schools During COVID-19: CDC Guidelines |
2 |
4 |
All Industries |
Target Audience: School District Administrator, School Administrator, Teachers, Support Staff |
Topics include: Importance of Opening Schools; Isolation and Anxiety; Hierarchy of Controls; Protecting High-Risk Staff Members;
Cleaning and Disinfecting; Hand Hygiene and Respiratory Etiquette; Personal Protective Equipment: Masks and Face Shields; Transmission Risk in Schools; Risk
in Youth Sports; Emergency Operations Plans; Physical Barriers; Communal Spaces; Cohorting; Alternating Schedules; Gatherings, Visitors, and Field Trips;
COVID-19 Point of Contact; Communication Systems; and Recognizing Signs and Symptoms. |
640 |
OSHA COVID-19 Plan: 1910.502: Healthcare Requirements |
1 |
2 |
Healthcare |
Target Audience: Employee, Committee Leader, Safety Manager, Safety Committee, Safety Coordinator |
Topics include: Scope, Application, and Definitions; COVID-19 Plan Elements; Patient Screening and Management; Physical Distancing;
Physical Barriers; Cleaning and Disinfection Requirements; Ventilation; Employer and Employee Notification; Employee Removal Protections; Training and
Retraining Requirements; Anti-retaliation Policies; Recordkeeping Requirements; and Fatality/Hospitalization Reporting Requirements. |
643 |
Developing a COVID Prevention Program (CPP) |
2 |
3 |
All Industries |
Target Audience:Employee, Supervisor, Manager |
Topics include: CPP Structure and Performance Components; Written COVID-19 Prevention Program (CPP); Authority and Responsibility;
Identification and Evaluation of COVID-19 Hazards; COVID-19 Inspections; Employee Participation; Employee Screening; System for Communicating; Employee
Training and Instruction; Reporting, Recordkeeping, and Access; Correcting COVID-19 Hazards; Physical Distancing; Face Coverings; Engineering Controls;
Cleaning and Disinfecting; Hand Sanitizing; Personal Protective Equipment; Shared Tools, Equipment, and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE); Investigations;
Excluding COVID-19 Cases; Exposed Workplaces; High-Risk Periods; Non-outbreak Settings; Outbreak Settings; Major Outbreak Settings; Testing; Returning Employees
to Work; Options to Reduce Quarantine; and Pay and Benefits. |
644 |
Understanding OSHA |
2 |
4 |
All Industries |
Target Audience: Employee, Supervisor |
Topics include:History of OSHA; Historical Events; OSH Act of 1970; Creation of OSHA; Employee Rights Under OSHA Standards;
Employer Responsibilities; OSHA's Structure, Purpose, Mission, and Methods; Priority of Citations and Penalties; Types of Citations; OSHA Inspection Process;
and Helpful Resources. |
654 |
Lead Safety in General Industry |
2 |
3 |
General Industry |
Target Audience: Employee, Supervisor, Manager, Contractor |
Topics include:Characteristics of Lead; Sources of Lead; Lead Dust; General Industry Workers and Exposure; Entry Routes;
Acute and Chronic Exposure; Signs and Symptoms; Employee Reporting; Measuring Lead Levels; Reproductive Risks; Chelating Agents; Hierarchy of Controls:
Elimination/Substitution, Engineering, Warnings, and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE); Handling Contaminated Protective Clothing; Preventing Heat
Stress; Employee Training; Respiratory Protection Program; Respirator Types and Selection; Fit Testing; Inspection Requirements; and Respirator
Training: Initial and Retraining. |
655 |
Bloodborne Pathogens in the Workplace |
2 |
11 |
General Industry |
Target Audience: Employee |
Topics include: What are Bloodborne Pathogens, Specific Bloodborne Pathogens, Transmitting
Bloodborne Pathogens, Your Employer's Exposure Control Plan, Recognizing the Potential for Exposure, Methods to Control
the Risk of Exposure, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), Hepatitis B Immunization, Response to Exposure, Housekeeping,
and Communicating Hazards in the Workplace. Topics in this course are consistent with OSHA Standard 29 CFR 1910.1030,
Bloodborne Pathogens. |
656 |
Bloodborne Pathogens in the Healthcare Setting |
2 |
14 |
Healthcare |
Target Audience: Employee |
Topics include: Specific Bloodborne Pathogens, Transmitting Bloodborne Pathogens, Your Employer's
Exposure Control Plan, Recognizing the Potential for Exposure, Exposure Control Methods, Needlestick Safety, Universal
Precautions, Personal Protective Equipment, Laboratory Safety, Hepatitis B (HBV) Vaccination, When an Exposure Occurs,
Housekeeping, and Communicating a Hazard. |
660 |
HAZWOPER for General Site Workers I |
3 |
5 |
Target Audience: Employee, Supervisor |
Topics include: Overview of 1910.120 HAZWOPER; Purpose of RCRA; HAZWOPER for Cleanup Operations,
TSD Facilities, and Emergency Responders; Site Control; Worker Requirements; Decontamination Process; HAZCOM Program
Requirements; Employee and Emergency Response; Incident Command System; and Brownfields and Clandestine Drug Labs. |
661 |
HAZWOPER for General Site Workers II |
4 |
5 |
Target Audience: Employee, Supervisor |
Topics include: HAZWOPER Safety and Health Program, Methods Used to Control Hazards in a
Preliminary Site Evaluation, Task Hazard Analysis, Requirements of Employee Training, Medical Surveillance Requirements,
Hazard Controls, Four Levels of Respiratory Protection, Safely Handling Hazardous Materials, Elements of a Site Safety Plan,
and Training Necessary for Different Jobs. |
662 |
HAZWOPER for General Site Workers III |
4 |
5 |
Target Audience: Employee, Supervisor |
Topics include: Introduction to Hazard Identification and Control, Hazard Categories, Hierarchy
of Controls, Introduction to Hazardous Substances, Classes of DOT Hazardous Materials, Types of Hazardous Chemicals,
Physical Properties of Hazardous Substances, Toxicology, Toxic Agents, Routes of Entry, Degree of Risk, Health Hazards,
Hearing Conservation, Radiation, and Asbestos. |
663 |
HAZWOPER for General Site Workers IV |
4 |
6 |
Target Audience: Employee, Supervisor |
Topics include: General Responsibilities; Purpose, Scope, Application, and Exceptions to 1910.1200
Hazard Communication Standard; Evaluating Chemicals; Classifying Chemicals; Analyzing the Workplace; Chemical Hazard Control
Strategies; Exposure to Lead, Methylene Chloride, and Chromium; Global Harmonization System (GHS) Container Labeling; Types
of Containers; Safety Data Sheets; SDS Management; and Information and Training. |
664 |
HAZWOPER for General Site Workers V |
4 |
5 |
Target Audience: Employee, Supervisor |
Topics include: Offsite Characterization and Initial Evaluation, Identifying Potential IDLH and
Atmospheric Hazards, Onsite Survey, Monitoring, Documenting Information, Hazard Identification, TLV, PEL, REL, Ongoing
Monitoring, Air Monitoring, Monitoring High-Risk Employees, Measuring Instruments, Direct-Reading Instruments, Monitoring
Practices, and Levels of Protection. |
665 |
HAZWOPER for General Site Workers VI |
5 |
6 |
Target Audience: Employee, Supervisor |
Topics include:Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Basics, Developing a PPE Program, Selection and
Use of Respiratory Equipment, Selection and Use of Protective Clothing and Accessories, Full Body Protection, Selecting
Chemical Protective Clothing, EPA Levels of Protection (A, B, C, and D), Training, Ensemble Selection and Use, Chemical
Protective Clothing (CPC) Inspection and Storage, and Heat and Cold Stress. |
666 |
HAZWOPER for General Site Workers VII |
3 |
4 |
Target Audience: Employee, Supervisor |
Topics include:Site Control, Site Preparation, Site Work Zones, Site Security, Visitors and Security
During Off-Duty Hours, The Buddy System, Communications, Best Practices with Heavy Equipment, Decontamination, Types of
Contamination, Health and Safety Hazards, Heavy Equipment Decontamination, Disposal Methods, and Emergency Decontamination. |
667 |
HAZWOPER for General Site Workers VIII |
4 |
6 |
Target Audience: Employee, Supervisor |
Topics include:Criteria for Confined Spaces; Atmospheric Hazards; Controlling Hazards; Confined Space
Entry and Rescue; Training Requirements; Permit-Required Confined Spaces; O-F-T Testing Procedures; Confined Space Permit System;
Physical, Mechanical, Electrical, Radiation, and Ergonomic Hazards; Engulfment and Entrapment Hazards; Entry Team Membership and
Responsibilities; Ventilation; Rescue Team Responsibilities; and Training Requirements. |
668 |
HAZWOPER for General Site Workers IX |
5 |
7 |
Target Audience: Employee, Supervisor |
Topics include:Scaffold Types; Scaffold Best Practices and Training Requirements; Slip, Trips and Fall
Hazards and Prevention; Good Housekeeping; Ladder and Stairway Safety Requirements; Electrical Safety Hazards; Lockout/Tagout;
Excavation and Trenching Safety Hazards; Crane and Rigging Safety Practices; Powered Industrial Truck (Forklift) Safety; Traffic
Control Devices; Clothing; and Best Practices. |
669 |
HAZWOPER for General Site Workers X |
4 |
5 |
Target Audience: Employee, Supervisor |
Topics include:Types of Bloodborne Pathogens; Symptoms of Illnesses and Related Precautions; Level I-V
Emergency Response Training for Emergency Responders Including Awareness-Level, Operations, Technician, Specialist, and On-Site
Incident Commanders; Handling Drums and Containers; Identifying Contents of Drums; Radioactive and Shock-Sensitive Container
Requirements; Worker Rights Under the OSHA Act of 1970; and Sections of the Emergency Response Guidebook. |
670 |
8-hour HAZWOPER Refresher for Cleanup Operations |
8 |
12 |
Target Audience: Employee, Supervisor |
Topics include:Overview of 1910.120 HAZWOPER; Purpose of Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA);
Hazardous Substances; Solid Waste Identification; Categories of Hazardous Waste Generators; Types of HAZWOPER Operations; Site
Control and Characterization; HAZWOPER Safety and Health Program; Health and Safety Plan (HASP); Buddy System; Safety and Health
Training Program; Medical Surveillance; Hazard Control Strategies; Exposure Monitoring; Handling Hazardous Materials; Emergency
Response; Site Control; Site Work Zones, Exclusion Zones, and Support Zones; Handling Drums and Containers; Drum Excavation and
Handling; Site Characterization; Selection of Protective Clothing and Accessories; Emergency Response Plan (ERP); Incident
Command System (ICS); Confined Space Entry and Rescue; Types of Contamination; and Decontamination Plan, Procedures, and Methods. |
700 |
Introduction to Safety Management |
6 |
8 |
General Industry |
Target Audience: Trainer, Supervisor, Manager |
Topics include: Safety Management System Components, Commitment, Accountability, Employee
Involvement, Effective Communications, Hazard Identification and Control Strategies, Accident Investigation Basics,
Safety Education and Training, and Principles of Total Quality Safety Management. |
701 |
Effective Safety Committee Operations |
6 |
8 |
General Industry |
Target Audience: Committee Member, Committee Leader, Manager |
Topics include: Safety Committee Role, Purpose, and Function; Safety Committee Start-up;
Motivational Principles, Safety Committee Education and Training; Hazard Identification, Analysis, and Controls;
Problem-Solving Techniques; Developing Recommendations; and Managing Safety Committee Meetings. |
702 |
Effective Accident Investigation |
6 |
8 |
General Industry |
Target Audience: Committee Member, Committee Leader, Trainer, Supervisor, Manager |
Topics include: Purpose of the Accident Investigation, Initiating the Investigation,
Documenting the Accident Scene, Conducting Interviews, Conducting Event Analysis Determining Surface and Root Causes,
Developing Recommendations, Selling Management on Recommendations, and Writing the Accident Report. |
703 |
Introduction to OSH Training |
6 |
8 |
General Industry |
Target Audience: Trainer, Manager |
Topics include: Definition of Education and Training, Developing the OSH Training Program,
Trainer Roles and Responsibilities, Needs Analysis, Developing Goals and Operational Objectives, Developing Learning
Activities, Conducting the Training, Documenting the Training, Evaluating Training Presentation and Program, and
Improving the Training Program. |
704 |
Hazard Analysis and Control |
5 |
7 |
General Industry |
Target Audience: Trainer, Supervisor, Manager |
Topics include: Definition of Hazard and Exposure, Hazard Identification Process, Hazard
Areas and Categories, Analyzing the Workplace, Hierarchy of Hazard Controls (Elimination, Substitution, Engineering
Controls, Administrative Controls, Personal Protective Equipment), Problem Solving, and Writing Effective
Recommendations. |
705 |
Hazard Communication Program |
5 |
5 |
General Industry |
Target Audience: Trainer, Supervisor, Manager |
Topics include: Scope, Application and Program Responsibilities; Analyzing for Hazardous
Chemicals; Forms of Hazardous Chemicals; Routes of Entry; Container Labeling; Safety Data Sheet (SDS) Basics;
HAZCOM Information and Training Requirements; and Practical Exercise. |
706 |
Conducting a Job Hazard Analysis |
6 |
6 |
General Industry |
Target Audience: Committee Member, Committee Leader, Trainer, Supervisor, Manager |
Topics include: Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) Preparation Principles and Techniques, Determining
Probability, Severity and Risk, Prioritizing JHAs, Using the JHA Worksheet, The JHA Process (Listing the Steps, Describing
Hazards, Listing Preventive Measures, Writing the Safe Job Procedure), and Improving the JHA Process. |
707 |
Effective OSH Committee Meetings |
5 |
7 |
General Industry |
Target Audience: Committee Member, Committee Leader, Manager |
Topics include: Overview of OSHA Requirements; Commitment; Innovative Safety Committees;
Safety Committee Purpose, Role and Responsibilities; Meeting Preparation; Conducting the Meeting; Safety Committee
Communication and Problem Solving Techniques; Decision-Making; Handling Disagreement and Conflict; and Post-Meeting
Responsibilities. |
708 |
OSHA Recordkeeping Basics |
5 |
6 |
General Industry |
Target Audience: Supervisor, Manager |
Topics include: Introduction to OSHA 300/300A Form Completion, Employer and Employee
Responsibilities, Determining Work-Relatedness, General and Additional Recording Criteria, Forms Maintenance, and
Calculating Injury/Illness Incident Rates. |
709 |
Personal Protective Equipment |
5 |
7 |
General Industry |
Target Audience: Employee, Trainer, Supervisor, Manager |
Topics include: OSHA General Requirements for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE); PPE
Categories; Employee-owned Equipment; PPE Training Requirements; Eye and Face Protection; Respiratory Protection;
Head, Hand, and Foot Protection; Electrical Protective Equipment; Hearing Protection; and Training Hands-on PPE
Techniques. |
710 |
Energy Control Program (Lockout/Tagout) |
6 |
8 |
General Industry |
Target Audience: Employee, Trainer, Supervisor, Manager |
Topics include: Purpose, Scope, and Application of 29 CFR 1910.147; Energy Control Program
Components; Lockout/Tagout Training and Communication; Periodic Inspections; Materials and Hardware; LOTO Steps; Preparing
for Shutdown; Shutdown; Release from LOTO, Alternative Steps; Testing; Contractor Responsibilities; Group LOTO; and Shift
Change Procedures. |
711 |
Introduction to Ergonomics |
4 |
5 |
General Industry |
Target Audience: Employee, Trainer, Supervisor, Manager |
Topics include: Ergonomics Definitions, Risk Factor Areas (Person, Task, and Environmental),
Impact of Ergonomics Injuries, Controlling Risk Factors (Substitution, Elimination, Engineering Controls, Administrative
Controls, Personal Protective Equipment), and Making System Improvements. |
712 |
Safety Supervision and Leadership |
6 |
8 |
General Industry |
Target Audience: Supervisor, Manager |
Topics include: Overview of Supervisor Responsibilities, Identifying Hazards, Safety Inspections,
Accident Investigation, Job Hazard Analysis, Correcting Hazards, Providing Safety Training, Basic Safety Leadership Styles,
Accountability and Administering Discipline, and Creating an Effective Safety Culture. |
713 |
Confined Space Program |
7 |
9 |
General Industry |
Target Audience: Supervisor, Manager |
Topics include: Basic Requirements of OSHA Standard 29 CFR 1910.146, Permit-Required Confined
Spaces, Confined Space Program Components, Categories of Confined Spaces, Atmospheric Hazards, Not-Atmospheric Hazards,
Controlling Hazards, Duties and Responsibilities of the Confined Space Entry Team, Confined Space Rescue, and Confined
Space Training and Drill. |
714 |
Fall Protection Program |
7 |
9 |
General Industry |
Target Audience: Supervisor, Manager |
Topics include: Hazards of Working at Elevation, Fall Protection Program Elements, Identifying
and Evaluating Fall Hazards, Portable Ladders, Supported Scaffolds, Aerial Lifts, Adjustable-Suspension Scaffolds, Cranes
and Derrick Suspended Personnel Platforms, Personal Fall Arrest Systems (PFAS), Guardrail Systems, Safety Net Systems,
Training Requirements, and Rescue at Height. |
715 |
Electrical Safety for Technicians and Supervisors |
7 |
10 |
General Industry |
Target Audience: Employee, Supervisor, Manager |
Topics include: Nature of Electricity, Electrical Hazards Evaluation, Electrical Safety Model,
Controlling Electrical Hazards, Assured Equipment Grounding Conductor Program, Hand and Power Tool Safety, Electrical
Lockout/Tagout, Live-work Safe Practices, and Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI) Protection. |
716 |
Safety Management System Evaluation |
3 |
6 |
General Industry |
Target Audience: Manager |
Topics include: Safety Management System Concepts and Principles, Safety Management System
Elements, Baseline Surveys, Interviewing Techniques, Conducting Inspections, 5-Why Analysis, Cause and Effect (Fishbone)
Diagrams, and Safety Management System Evaluation Principles. |
717 |
Emergency Action Plans |
4 |
5 |
General Industry |
Target Audience: Manager |
Topics include: Emergency Action Plan (EAP) Components, EAP Development, EAP Policies and
Procedures, Natural and Man-made Emergencies, Evacuation Routes, Assembly Areas, Duties and Responsibilities (Management,
Plan Administrator, Evacuation Wardens, Employees), EAP Training and Drills, and Plan Review. |
718 |
Fire Prevention Plans |
6 |
8 |
General Industry |
Target Audience: Employee, Supervisor, Manager |
Topics include: Fire Prevention Plan (FPP) Components; Identifying and Controlling Fire
Hazards; Portable Heaters; Office Fire Hazards; Cutting, Welding, and Open Flame Work; Class A and B Combustible
Materials, Fixed Extinguishing Systems, Employee Alarm Systems, Portable Fire Extinguishers, Exit Routes, Training
Requirements, and FPP Evaluation. |
719 |
Fleet Safety Management |
5 |
7 |
General Industry |
Target Audience: Supervisor, Manager |
Topics include: Purpose, Mission, and Elements of a Fleet Safety Program; Costs of Vehicle
Accidents; Management, Supervisor, Employee, and Vehicle Operator Responsibilities; Vehicle Inspections; Transporting
People and Equipment; Driver Qualification Standards; Licensing; Driver Training and Evaluation; Accident Investigations;
and Vehicle Selection, Assignment, and Maintenance. |
720 |
Preventing Workplace Violence |
6 |
8 |
General Industry |
Target Audience: Employee, Supervisor, Manager |
Topics include: Violence Prevention Program (VPP) Components, Defining Workplace Violence,
Warning Signs, Prevention Measures, Assessment and Security Review, Employee Assistance Program, Writing Policy and
Plans, Incident Reporting, Investigation, Post-Incident Follow-up, Organizational Recovery, Training Strategies, and
Program Recovery. |
721 |
OSH Training Development |
4 |
5 |
General Industry |
Target Audience: Trainer, Manager |
Topics include: Determining Training and Non-Training Solutions, Training Decision-Tree,
Determining Training Needs, Writing Goals and Operational Learning Objectives, Developing Learning Activities,
Sequencing, and Training Documentation Requirements and Recommendations. |
722 |
Ergonomics Program Management |
6 |
8 |
General Industry |
Target Audience: Supervisor, Manager |
Topics include: Ergonomics Program Elements, Proactive and Reactive Approaches, Workplace
Ergonomics Analysis Techniques, Gathering Evidence of MSDs, Symptom Surveys, Periodic Medical Examinations, Screening
for Risk Factors, Ergonomics Job Hazard Analysis, Controlling Risk Factors, Medical Management, and Education and
Training. |
723 |
Conducting OSH Training |
5 |
6 |
General Industry |
Target Audience: Trainer, Manager |
Topics include: Logistics to Consider in Preparation for Training, Overcoming the
Psychological Stress of Training, Effective Introductions, Sequencing the Training Presentation, Listening Skills,
Asking and Answering Questions Effectively, Dealing with Student Over- and Under-Participation, Responding to Hostile
Students, Concluding the Training Session, and On-the-Job Training (OJT) Process. |
725 |
Forklift Safety Program Management |
7 |
7 |
General Industry |
Target Audience: Employee, Supervisor, Manager |
Topics include: Types of Forklifts (Powered Industrial Trucks); Operator Training
Requirements (General and Workplace-specific); Trainer Certification Requirements; Principles of Forklift Operation:
Fulcrum Principle, Stability Triangle, Center of Gravity, and Moment; Raising and Lowering the Load; Driving on an
Incline; Safe Forklift Operations: Pre-use Inspection, Traveling, Loading, Transferring, Unloading, and Traffic
Patterns; Forklift Corrective and Preventive Maintenance; Fueling and Battery Charging Procedures; and Hazards of
Carbon Monoxide, Sulfuric Acid, and Hydrogen Gas During Forklift Operation. |
726 |
Introduction to Machine Guarding |
5 |
6 |
General Industry |
Target Audience: Employee, Supervisor, Manager |
Topics include: Basics of Machine Guarding, Methods of Machine Safeguarding (Guards, Devices,
Miscellaneous Aids, Restraints, Trip Controls), Machine Guard Construction, and Machinery Maintenance and Repair. |
736 |
Introduction to Process Safety Management (PSM) |
5 |
9 |
General Industry |
Target Audience: Supervisor, Manager |
Topics include: Process Safety Management Standard, CAAA Requirements, How the PSM Standard
Applies, Developing the Written PSM Plan, Process Hazard Analysis (PHA), Operating Procedures, Employee Participation,
Employer and Contractor Responsibilities, Mechanical Integrity and Hot Work Permit. |
738 |
Workplace Hygiene and Illness Prevention Program Management |
2 |
5 |
General Industry |
Target Audience: Supervisor, Manager, Employer |
Topics include: Hand Hygiene; Hand Sanitizer Uses; Housekeeping; Cleaning and Disinfecting; Contagious
Diseases; Communicable versus Non-Communicable Disease; Indirect Transmission; Disease Symptoms; When to See a Doctor; Treatment;
Disease Prevention; Vaccines; What to do When Feeling Sick; Healthy Workplace Practices; Program Management; Employer General Duty
Obligation; Management Commitment; Program Goals; Allocating Resources; Hygiene Policies: Handwashing, Nail Hygiene, Respiratory
Etiquette, and Routine Environmental Cleaning; Employee Travel; Illness Prevention; Sick Employees and Guests; Infectious Disease
Outbreak Response Plan; Vaccination Programs; Program Implementation; Education and Training; Program Administration, Evaluation,
and Improvement; Monitor Program Performance and Progress; Verify Program Implementation and Operation; and Correcting Program
Shortcomings. |
744 |
Working with OSHA |
3 |
6 |
General Industry |
Target Audience: Supervisor, Manager |
Topics include: OSHA's History and Mission, State Plans, Worker Rights, Safety Data Sheets,
Requesting Hazard Correction, Filing Complaints, Participating in an OSHA Inspection, Retaliation Rights, Worker and
Employer Responsibilities, Required OSHA Training, Injury and Illness Recordkeeping, OSHA Standards Overview, General
Duty Clause, OSHA Inspection Priorities and Stages, Citations and Penalties, Workplace Resources, On-Site Consultations,
OSHA's SHARP and VPP Programs, and Introduction to NIOSH. |
745 |
Welding, Cutting, and Brazing Safety |
8 |
9 |
General Industry, Construction |
Target Audience: Employee, Supervisor, Manager |
Topics include: Welding, Cutting, Brazing, Coalescence, and Soldering; Weldability, Filler
Materials and Flux, and Welding Defects; Gas Welding, Arc Welding, and Other Welding Processes; Welding Hazards and
Precautions; Welding Location; Fire Prevention; Welding or Cutting Containers; Operating Welding Equipment, Backfire
and Backflash, and GTA and GMA Welding Safety Precautions; Brazing and Soldering Hazards and Precautions; Wounds and
Burns; Ventilation Requirements; Welding in Confined Spaces; Hazard Communication; Gases and Fumes; Personal
Protective Equipment, Helmets, Gauntlets, Shoes, Aprons, and Shields; Welding Safety Program, Employer and Supervisor
Responsibilities, Authorization, and Welding Program Checklist.. |
750 |
Introduction to Industrial Hygiene |
5 |
6 |
General Industry |
Target Audience: Employee, Supervisor, Manager |
Topics include: Definition of Industrial Hygiene, Role of the Industrial Hygienist, Worksite
Analysis, Recognizing and Controlling Industrial Health Hazards, Indoor and Outdoor Air Quality, Overview of Chemical
Hazards, Toxicity of Chemicals, Forms of Toxic Materials, Exposure Limits, Measurement and Monitoring Methods, Reducing
Exposure, Biological Agents and Exposure Risks, Physical Hazards, Noise and Hearing Protection, Vibration Hazards,
Illumination Hazards, Temperature-Humidity Extremes, and Ergonomic Hazards. |
751 |
Hearing Conservation Program Management |
6 |
6 |
General Industry |
Target Audience: Supervisor, Manager |
Topics include: Introduction to Sound and Noise, Fundamentals of Hearing, Evaluating Exposures,
Walk Around Survey, Hazard Elimination or Reduction, Hearing Conservation Programs, Hearing Protection Devices (HPDs),
Required Monitoring, Audiometric Testing, Standard Threshold Shift, Required Training, and Record Keeping. |
755 |
Bloodborne Pathogens Program Management |
3 |
11 |
General Industry |
Target Audience: Supervisor, Manager |
Topics include: What are Bloodborne Pathogens, Specific Bloodborne Pathogens, Transmitting
Bloodborne Pathogens, Developing an Exposure Control Plan, Recognizing the Potential for Exposure, Methods to Control
the Risk of Exposure, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), Hepatitis B Immunization, Response to Exposure, Housekeeping,
and Communicating Hazards in the Workplace. Topics covered in this course are consistent with OSHA Standard
29 CFR 1910.1030, Bloodborne Pathogens. |
756 |
Respiratory Protection |
4 |
5 |
General Industry, Healthcare |
Target Audience: Employee, Supervisor, Trainer, Manager |
Topics include: Respiratory Hazards; Identifying and Evaluating Respiratory Hazards; Exposure
Monitoring and Sampling; The Hierarchy of Controls; Assigned Protection Factor and Maximum Use Concentration; Non-powered
(APR) and Powered (PAPR) Air Purifying Respirators, Atmosphere supplying Respirators, Self-contained Breathing Apparatus
(SCBA) and Dust Masks; Respirator Care, Maintenance, Storage, and Cleaning; Respiratory Protection Program; Respirator Use
in IDLH Atmospheres; Medical Evaluations; Fit Testing; Identification of Filters, Cartridges, and Canisters; Inspection;
and Training Requirements. |
757 |
Laboratory Safety |
4 |
9 |
General Industry, Healthcare |
Target Audience: Employee, Supervisor, Manager |
Topics include: Laboratory-Related OSHA Standards: Hazard Communication, Bloodborne Pathogens,
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), Respiratory Protection, Hearing Protection, and Electrical Safety; Chemical Hygiene
Plan (CHP); Chemical Hygiene Officer (CHO) Duties and Responsibilities; Controlling Laboratory Hazards; Specific Laboratory
Chemical Hazards; Specific Laboratory Biological Hazards; Research Animal Laboratory Safety; Physical Hazards; Safety
Hazards; Best Practices When Operating Equipment; and Preventing Fires. |
765 |
Managing Workplace Stress |
4 |
4 |
General Industry |
Target Audience: Employee, Trainer, Supervisor, Manager |
Topics include: Stress in Today's Workplace; Job Stress Causes; Impact of Stress on the
Employer; Stressful Job Conditions; Effects of Job Stress; Early Warning Signs of Job Stress; Environmental and
Individual Risk Factors; Coping with Stress; Preventing Job Stress; Stress Prevention Programs; Stress, Health and
Productivity; Stress Prevention Guidelines; and Managing Stress Before, During, and After an Event. |
772 |
Introduction to Safe Patient Handling |
4 |
4 |
Healthcare |
Target Audience: Employee, Supervisor, Manager |
Topics include: Risks of Patient Handling, Consequences of Work-related Injuries, Hazards
and Solutions, Awkward Postures, Ergonomic Hazards, Hazardous Chemicals, Hazardous Drugs, Radiation, Latex Allergies,
Education and Training, and Training for Hazard Identification Controls. |
773 |
Preventing MSDs in Healthcare |
3 |
4 |
Healthcare |
Target Audience: Employee, Supervisor, Manager |
Topics include: Patient Lifting and Repositioning Techniques, Identifying Problems for
Lifting and Repositioning, Problems and Solutions for Other Activities, Addressing Reports of Injuries, Implementing
Solutions, Providing Training, Evaluating Ergonomic Efforts, Providing Management Support, and Involving Employees. |
774 |
Safe Patient Handling Program |
4 |
4 |
Healthcare |
Target Audience: Employee, Supervisor, Manager |
Topics include: Musculoskeletal Disorders; High Cost of Injuries; Management Support; Building
a Team Foundation, Team Formation, and Getting Started; Worksite Analysis; Conducting an Assessment; Equipment Cost;
Policy Development; Program Development, Implementation, and Evaluation; Employee Training; and Evaluating Outcomes. |
776 |
Preventing Workplace Violence in Healthcare |
5 |
6 |
Healthcare |
Target Audience: Employee, Supervisor, Manager |
Topics include: What is Workplace Violence, Who is at Risk for Violence, Violence Effects,
Prevention Strategies for Employers, Violence Prevention Programs, Worksite Analysis, Conducting a Workplace Security
Analysis, Hazard Prevention and Control, Safety and Health Training, Recordkeeping and Program Evaluation. |
790 |
Environmental Management System (EMS) |
8 |
7 |
General Industry |
Target Audience: Supervisor, Manager |
Topics include: Environmental Policy, Identifying Environmental Aspects and Impacts, Developing
Environmental Objectives and Targets, Legal Requirements, Environmental Management Program (EMP), Structure and
Responsibilities, Training, Awareness and Competency, Communications, EMS Documentation, Document Control, Operational
Control, Emergency Preparedness and Response, Monitoring and Measurement, Non-conformance and Corrective/Preventive Action,
Records, EMS Auditing, and Management Review. |
800 |
Introduction to Construction Safety Management |
6 |
6 |
Construction |
Target Audience: Supervisor, Manager |
Topics include: The Safety Culture; Working with Contractors, Management, and Employee Involvement
in Safety; Construction Safety Management System (CSMS) and Worksite Analysis; Hazard Prevention and Control; Education and
Training; and Steps to Identify OSHA Requirements. |
802 |
Trench and Excavation Safety |
5 |
6 |
Construction |
Target Audience: Employee, Supervisor, Manager |
Topics include: Scope and Application of OSHA Standard, Common Soil Problems, Soil Mechanics,
Soil Types and Pressures, Determination of Soil Type, Methods of Protection, Protective Systems, Installation and Removal
of Protective Systems, Entering and Exiting the Excavation, Sloping, and Jobsite Safety and Worker Training. |
803 |
Scaffold Safety Program Management |
4 |
4 |
Construction |
Target Audience: Supervisor, Manager |
Topics include: Scaffold Basics; Elements of an Effective SSP; Compentent and Qualified Person
Duties; Engineering Duties; Supervising Erection, Use, and Dismantling of a Scaffold; and Inspection, Training, and Fall
Protection Requirements. |
804 |
Scaffold Erection and Inspection |
5 |
6 |
Construction |
Target Audience: Employee, Supervisor, Manager |
Topics include: Scaffold Components; Scaffold Erection Guidelines; Scaffold Access, Egress,
and Use; Scaffold Dismantling, Maintenance, and Storage; Inspecting Scaffolds: Suspended, Single-Point, Two-Point,
Boatswain's Chairs, Catenary, Multiple-point, Multi-level, Float (Ship), Interior Hung, Needle Beam, Supported, Fabricated,
Frame-supported, Tube and Coupler, Mobile, Pole, Bricklayer's Square, Carpenter's Bracket, Roof Bracket, Outrigger, Pump
Jack, Ladder Jack, Window Jack, Horse, Step, Platform, Trestle Ladder, Plasterer's Decorators, and Large-area Scaffolds. |
805 |
Fall Protection in Construction |
8 |
9 |
Construction |
Target Audience: Employee, Supervisor, Manager |
Topics include: Preparing to Prevent Falls, Identifying and Evaluating Construction Fall Hazards,
Supported and Suspended Access, Fall Protection Systems, Fall Protection Training Requirements, Fall Protection Equipment
Inspection and Maintenance, and Rescue at Height. |
806 |
Focus Four - Fall Hazards |
1.5 |
2 |
Construction |
Target Audience: Employee, Supervisor, Manager |
Topics include: Defining Fall Hazard, Common Types of Fall Hazards, Edges and Openings,
Improper Scaffold Construction, Unsafe Portable Ladders, How to Protect Yourself from Fall Hazards, Safe Ladder Use,
Choosing the Right Ladder, Securing the Ladder, Three-Point-Control, Ladder Angle, Basics of Scaffold Safety, Training,
and Employer Requirements. |
807 |
Focus Four: Caught In-Between Hazards |
1.5 |
2 |
Construction |
Target Audience: Employee, Supervisor, Manager |
Topics include: Defining a Caught-in or -Between Hazard, Common Types of Caught-in or -Between
Hazards, Machinery with Unguarded Moving Parts, Buried-in or -by, Pinned Between, How to Protect Yourself from Caught-in
or -Between Hazards, Using Guards, Competent Person, Excavation Sites, Buried-by Structures, and Employer Requirements. |
808 |
Focus Four - Struck-By Hazards |
1.5 |
2 |
Construction |
Target Audience: Employee, Supervisor, Manager |
Topics include: Defining a Struck-by Hazard, Common Types of Struck-by Hazards, How to Protect
Yourself from Struck-by Hazards such as Heavy Equipment and Motorized Vehicles, General Safe Work Practices, Personal
Protective Equipment, Training, and Employer Requirements. |
809 |
Focus Four - Electrocution Hazards |
1.5 |
2 |
Construction |
Target Audience: Employee, Supervisor, Manager |
Topics include: Defining an Electrocution Hazard, Common Types of Electrocution Hazards, How
to Protect Yourself from Electrocution Hazards by Maintaining Safe Distances from Power Lines, use GFCIs, Inspect Portable
Extension Cords, Use Power Tools as Designed, Follow LOTO Procedures, Training, and Employer Requirements. |
810 |
Hand and Power Tool Safety |
5 |
6 |
Construction |
Target Audience: Employee, Supervisor, Manager |
Topics include: Recognizing Hand and Power Tool Hazards; Ergonomics; Hand Tool Safety;
Selecting the Right Tools for the Job; Safety Principles for the Use of Electrical Pneumatic and Hydraulic Tools;
Abrasive Wheel, Fuel-Powered, and Powder-Actuated Tools; Nail Gun Safety; Spray Guns; Abrasive Blasting Tools; and
Tool Replacement and Storage. |
812 |
OSHA Focus Four Hazards |
4 |
8 |
Construction |
Target Audience: Employee, Supervisor |
Topics include: Fall Hazards, Fall Protection Equipment, Safe Ladder Use, Methods to Prevent
Caught-in and Caught-Between Injuries, Preventing Common Struck-By Hazards, General Safe Work Practices, Personal
Protective Equipment, Identifying Electrocution Hazards, Electrocution Hazard Controls, Basic Scaffold Safety, Fall
Protection for Workers and Employer Requirements, Designating a Competent Person, and Training Requirements. |
813 |
Construction Worksite Safety |
5 |
11 |
Construction |
Target Audience: Employee, Supervisor, Manager |
Topics include: Scaffolds and Aerial Lifts; Slips, Trips, and Fall Hazards; Ladder and
Stairway Safety; Skylights, Floor Holes, and Wall Openings; Working with Electricity; Lockout/Tagout Procedures;
Excavation and Trenching Safety; Cranes and Rigging Safety; Powered Industrial Trucks; Vehicle Safety; Forklift
Safety; Excessive Noise; Radiation Hazards; Exposure to Hazardous Chemicals; and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). |
814 |
Heavy Equipment Safety |
6 |
5 |
Construction |
Target Audience: Employee, Supervisor, Manager |
Topics include: Heavy Equipment Basics, Types of Heavy Equipment, Heavy Equipment Hazards,
Engineering Controls and Work Practices, Materials Falling From Vehicles, Diesel Particulate Matter (DPM), Respiratory
Hazards, Noise and Hearing Protection, Hazardous Chemicals, Servicing Multi-Piece Rim Wheels, Heat and Cold Stress,
Equipment Operator Safety, Signal Persons and Spotters, Crane and Operations Safety Measures, Safety Measures for
Asphalt Paving Operations, Work Zone Safety and Traffic Control, and High Visibility Safety Apparel and Headwear. |
815 |
Demolition Safety |
5 |
9 |
Construction |
Target Audience: Employee, Supervisor, Manager |
Topics include: Demolition Program Elements; Contractor Preparation; Engineering Survey and
Report; Locating Utilities; Worker Training; Fire Prevention and Protection Planning; Medical Services, First Aid, and
Security; Demolition Hazards; Structural Instabilities; Unsecured Work Areas; Hazardous Substances; Safe Work Practices
in Confined Spaces; Demolition of Pre-stressed Concrete Structures; Special Structures Demolition; Removing Debris and
Cleanup; Controlling Asbestos; and Silica Exposure. |
816 |
Confined Space Safety in Construction |
5 |
6 |
Construction |
Target Audience: Employee, Supervisor, Manager |
Topics include: Confined Space Definitions, Employer Designations, Permit Space Entry Procedures,
Entry Equipment, Entry Team Duties and Training, Permit Space Program, Entry Permit and Process, and Emergency Rescue
Operations. |
817 |
Steel Erection Safety |
8 |
6 |
Construction |
Target Audience: Employee, Supervisor, Manager |
Topics include: Site Preparation, Cranes, Structural Stability, Metal Buildings, Overhead Hazards, Fall Protection, Steel Erection Safety Training. |
820 |
Cranes and Derricks Safety I |
5 |
6 |
Construction |
Target Audience: Employee, Supervisor, Manager |
Topics include: Employer Responsibilities, Scope of the Standard, Terms and Definitions,
Ground Conditions, Assembling and Disassembling Procedures, Crane and Derrick Operations, Fall Protection, High-voltage
Environment Precautions, Employee Training, Inspections, Wire Rope Inspection, Selection and Installation, Safety Devices,
Operational Aids, Signals, Safe Hoisting Requirements, Operator Requirements, and Types of Cranes and Derricks. |
821 |
Cranes and Derricks Safety II |
5 |
8 |
Construction |
Target Audience: Employee, Supervisor, Manager |
Topics include: Employer Responsibilities; Scope of the Standard; Safe Operation of Cranes;
Brake Tests; Traveling with a Load; Types of Signals; Fall Protection; Work Area Control; Qualifications of Operator,
Signal Person, and Maintenance Employees; Hoisting Personnel; Pre-lift Meeting; Multiple Crane Lifts; Tower Cranes and
Derricks; Floating Cranes and Derricks; and Land Cranes and Derricks on Barges. |
833 |
Developing a Construction Safety Management System |
8 |
10 |
Construction |
Target Audience: Supervisor, Manager |
Topics include: Construction Safety Management System (CSMS) Design, Development, and Deployment;
Safety Culture, Leadership, Commitment, and Employee Involvement; Writing Policies, Programs, Processes, Procedures, and
Work Practices; Worker Training; and Worksite Analysis, Evaluation, and System Improvement. |
850 |
Health Hazards in Construction |
4 |
4 |
Construction |
Target Audience: Employee, Supervisor, Manager |
Topics include: Risk Factors in Construction; Chemical Hazards; Exposure Dangers to Asbestos,
Welding Fumes, Solvents, Silica, Lead, Radiation, Biological Hazards, and Confined Spaces; Noise Hazards; Whole Body
Vibration; Temperature Extremes; Fungus Exposure; Mold Cleanup; Poisonous Plants; Infectious Animals; Ergonomic Hazards;
Work Fixtures and Tools; Posture; Twisting and Force. |
851 |
Silica Dust Safety in Construction |
6 |
6 |
Construction |
Target Audience: Employee, Supervisor, Manager |
Topics include: Forms of Silica Including Quartz, Cristobalite, and Tridymite; Visible and Respirable Dust; Exposure Control Plan Components;
Exposure to Silica Dust; Silicosis and Symptoms of Exposure; Permissible Exposure Limits and Measuring Airborne Silica; Silica Dust Control Strategies; Wet and Dry Controls
Methods; Dust Collection Systems; Exhaust Systems; Respiratory Protection; Best Practices in Cutting, Drilling, Hammering, Blasting, Milling, and Crushing; Medical Surveillance;
Recordkeeping; and Housekeeping. |
852 |
Asbestos Safety |
3 |
5 |
Construction |
Target Audience: Employee, Supervisor, Manager |
Topics include: Properties of Asbestos; Where Asbestos is Used; How Asbestos is Used; Health Hazards; Asbestosis, Lung Cancer, and Mesothelioma;
Employer Responsibilities; Hierarchy of Controls; Monitoring and Sampling; Multi-employer Worksites; Medical Surveillance and Examinations; Employee and Competent Person
Training; and Brake and Clutch Repair Work. |
854 |
Lead Safety in Construction |
2 |
3 |
Construction |
Target Audience: Employee, Supervisor, Manager, Contractor |
Topics include: Characteristics of Lead; Lead Exposure Risk; Sources of Lead; Lead Dust; Construction Workers and Exposure; Entry Routes: Ingestion,
Inhalation, Dermal, and Endogenous; Acute and Chronic Exposure; Signs and Symptoms of Over Exposure; Reporting; Measuring Lead Levels; Reproductive Risks; Chelating Agents;
Controlling Exposure; The Hierarchy of Controls: Elimination/Substitution, Engineering Controls, Warnings, Administrative and Work Practice Controls, and Personal Protective Equipment;
Handling Contaminated Protective Clothing; Protective Clothing Policies and Practices; Preventing Heat Stress; Training; Employer Responsibilities; Respiratory Protection; General
Requirements; Respiratory Protection Programs; Respirator Selection; Assigned Protection Factors (APFs); Respirator Types; Fit Testing; Inspection Requirements; and Respirator Training. |
894 |
Lead Safety in Shipyards |
2 |
3 |
Maritime |
Target Audience: Employee, Supervisor, Manager, Contractor |
Topics include: Characteristics of Lead; Lead Exposure Risk; Sources of Lead; Lead Dust; Shipyard Workers and Exposure; Entry Routes: Ingestion, Inhalation,
Dermal, and Endogenous; Acute and Chronic Exposure; Signs and Symptoms of Over Exposure; Reporting; Measuring Lead Levels; Reproductive Risks; Chelating Agents; Controlling Exposure;
The Hierarchy of Controls: Elimination/Substitution, Engineering Controls, Warnings, Administrative and Work Practice Controls, and Personal Protective Equipment; Handling Contaminated
Protective Clothing; Protective Clothing Policies and Practices; Preventing Heat Stress; Training; Employer Responsibilities; Respiratory Protection; General Requirements; Respiratory
Protection Programs; Respirator Selection; Assigned Protection Factors (APFs); Respirator Types; Fit Testing; Inspection Requirements; and Respirator Training. |
895 |
Deck Barge Safety |
6 |
6 |
Maritime |
Target Audience: Employee, Supervisor, Manager |
Topics include: Deck Barge Basics; Regulation of Workplace Safety on Deck Barges; Slips,
Trips, and Falls; Preventing Elevated Falls; Falling Overboard; Personal Floatation Devices; Maintenance and Safety;
Equipment Operator Safety; Confined and Enclosed Space Hazards; Oxygen-deficient Atmospheres; Identifying Toxic
Atmospheres; Fire and Electrical Hazards; Fuel Storage; Ventilation; and Training. |
900 |
Oil and Gas Safety Management |
8 |
6 |
Oil & Gas |
Target Audience: Supervisor, Manager |
Topics include: The Safety Culture, Writing Safety Policies and Programs, Working with
Contractors, Employee and Management Involvement in Safety, SMS and Wellsite Analysis, Hazard Prevention and Control,
Hierarchy of Controls, Education and Training, Conducting On-The-Job Training, Steps to Identify OSHA Requirements. |
901 |
Oil and Gas Hazard Awareness |
6 |
7 |
Oil & Gas |
Target Audience: Employee, Supervisor, Manager |
Topics include: 1) General Oil and Gas Safety: Drilling Site Jobs; Drilling Operation Accidents;
Task-specific Accidents; Crane, Derrick, and Hoist Hazards; Material Handling Hazards; Blowouts; 2) Other Drilling Site
Hazards: Flammable and Combustible Liquids; Lightning and Static Electricity; Fire Safety; Flare Pits and Lines; Exposure
to Rotating Parts; Circulating Fluid Systems; Hand and Power Tools; Confined Spaces; Hot Work (Welding); Slips, Trips, and
Falls; Strains and Sprains; Vehicle Safety; 3) Drilling Operation Health Hazards: Silica Exposure, Hydrogen Sulfide Gas,
and Other Drilling Site Health Hazards. |
902 |
Well Site Preparation and Drilling Safety |
8 |
9 |
Oil & Gas |
Target Audience: Employee, Supervisor, Manager |
Topics include: Site Preparation, Excavation and Trenching, Rigging Up Safety, Walking and
Working Surfaces, Drilling Ahead Safety, Breaking Out Pipe, Tripping Out and In, Attaching Elevators, Casing Operations,
Site Maintenance Activities, Well Control Safety, and Blowout Prevention Program. |
903 |
Well Site Completion and Servicing Safety |
8 |
7 |
Oil & Gas |
Target Audience: Employee, Supervisor, Manager |
Topics include: Well Completion Safety - Conducting Drill Stem Test, Setting Production Casing,
Installing Production Tubing, Starting Production Flow, Hydraulic Fractures, Beam Pumping Units, Servicing Operations
Safety - Transporting Rig, Rigging Up Service Rig, Set Up Work Area, Removing the Horsehead, Removing the Wellhead,
Pulling and Running Rods, Wireline Operations, Well Logging, Perforating, Cementing, Swabbing, Hot Oiling, Snubbing,
Coil Tubing, Sand Cleanout, Repairing Liners and Casing, Sidetracking: Plug-Back, and Removing Casing: Place Cement
Plugs. |
904 |
Oil and Gas Well Inspection |
10 |
11 |
Oil & Gas |
Target Audience: Employee, Supervisor, Manager |
Topics include: Emergency Response Plan, Emergency Equipment, Alarms and Shutdown, Fire
Extinguishers, Eye Wash Stations, First Aid Kits, Energy Isolation, Electrical Systems, Machine Guarding, Hand Tools,
Power Tools, Harness and Lanyard, Retractable Lifelines, Stairways and Landings, Handrails and Guardrails, Gratings
and Walkways, Auxiliary Hoisting Lines, Static Hanging Lines, Synthetic Web Lines, Wire Rope or Cable Slings, Chain
Slings, Shackles, Fixed Ladders, Portable Ladders, Fixed Platforms, Hose and Fittings, Safety Chain and Whip Check,
Pins and Keepers, Safety Data Sheets (SDS), Chemical Storage, Compressed Gas, Dropped Objects, Housekeeping, Tubular
Storage, and Load Path Welds. |
906 |
Oil Spill Cleanup |
5 |
6 |
Oil & Gas |
Target Audience: Employee, Supervisor, Manager |
Topics include: Introduction to Oil Spill Cleanup, What is an Oil Spill, Affects on the
Environment, Exposure to Toxic Components, Oil Spill Cleanup Equipment, and Oil Spill Worker Safety and Health. |
907 |
Introduction to SEMS II [30 CFR 250.1900-1933] |
8 |
8 |
Oil & Gas |
Target Audience: Employee, Supervisor, Manager |
Topics include: General Requirements, Safety and Environmental Information, Hazards Analysis,
Management of Change, Operating Procedures, Safe Work Practices, Training, Mechanical Integrity (Assurance of Quality
and Mechanical Integrity of Critical Equipment), Pre-startup Review, Emergency Response and Control, Investigation of
Incidents, Audit of Safety and Environmental Management Program Elements, Recordkeeping (Records and Documentation) and
Additional BSEE Requirements, Stop Work Authority (SWA), Ultimate Work Authority (UWA), Employee Participation Plan
(EPP), and Reporting Unsafe Working Conditions. |
908 |
Offshore Oil and Gas Safety I |
6 |
7 |
Oil & Gas |
Target Audience: Employee, Supervisor, Manager |
Topics include: General Oil and Gas Safety Guidelines, Hazard Reporting, Personal Protective
Equipment (PPE), Fall Protection, Scaffolding or Temporary Work Platforms, Working over Water, Emergency Response and
Notification, Fire Prevention, and Medical Services and Support. |
909 |
Offshore Oil and Gas Safety II |
6 |
7 |
Oil & Gas |
Target Audience: Employee, Supervisor, Manager |
Topics include: Electrical Safety Practices; Hazardous Energy Control (Lockout/Tagout);
Tools and Equipment Safety; Crane Operator Qualifications and Best Practices; Control of Hazardous Chemicals and
Substances; Material Handling, Rigging, and Lifting Safety; Confined Spaces; Helicopter Safety; and Compressed Gas
Cylinders. |